twelve ; mom & daughter day

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T W E L V E ; M O M  &  D A U G H T E R  D A Y

"no language can express the power, and beauty, and heroism, and majesty of a mothers love"


Scarlett was much more of a night person than a day person, now while she did love watching the sun rise in the morning, she didn't particularly like waking up

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Scarlett was much more of a night person than a day person, now while she did love watching the sun rise in the morning, she didn't particularly like waking up. Her mistake was, she would stay up, way past midnight into the early hours of the morning, binge watching a show, or catching up on the latest novels. By the time she would look at the time, it would be just a few shorts hours before she was supposed to wake. And even though she promised herself night after night, that she would go to bed early--she never did.

Last night was no exception to the girl, who was haphazardly strewn across her bed, the blankets tangled at the foot while her head nearly fell off the edge. Alexa Grey stood in the doorway of her daughter's room, watching the girl in both shock and amusement since her alarm clock was blaring. Yet the teenager was sleeping right through as if it was nothing but the rain pattering on the roof.

Alex shook her head before heading over to her daughter's bedside table, tapping the 'off' button on the pestering alarm that had no effect on the sleeping girl. Alexa sat beside Scarlett, shaking her shoulder gently.

"Scarlett, wake up," Alexa started softly before realizing that had zero effect, " Scarlett, you're going to be late to school," She said a bit more forcefully, causing Scarlett's eyes to flutter open for a second before falling back closed, unable to fight to keep them open. The teenager whined verbally.

"I'm so tired," She cried out, her voice still extremely thick with sleep, "Can't I just ditch?" Alexa clicked her tongue,

"Nope," She said, "You have to get an education, and you can't do that from your bed,"

Scarlett peeked one eye open to look at her mom, a sweet smile inching its way onto her lips, "Online classes." She said simply, "But that's beside the point, what if I ditch today and you and I go out and get some lunch and some mani--pedis? My treat?" She asked knowing how much her mom loved getting her nails and toes done, "It'll be a mommy/daughter day we haven't had one in months," Hook, line...and sinker. Alexa shook her head at her daughter knowing she was just trying to get out of school, but the thought of a mommy daughter day did seem really nice, and Scarlett's grades were incredible, she could afford a day off.

With a huff, Alexa agreed, "Fine, but we're going in 2 hours so you better be ready,"

"Yes ma'am,"

"Scarlett, what did I tell you about calling me that?"

"Sorry sir,"

Alexa tossed the small throw pillow at daughters face. "Go back to bed, I gotta call the school and tell them you're 'sick', lying to the school you're a bad influence, Scarlett,"

The dark haired teenager scoffed at her mother words, "Please mom, I'm the best influence,"


The two Grey women strolled around Port Angelus for the day, shopping in the small consignment stores after getting their nails and toes done. They picked up a few outfits and some new jewelry to match. They talked about Scarlett's friends and how school was going for her. Scarlett made sure to bring up Billy Black smiling when her mothers' cheeks turned a slight red at her daughter's suggestion.

All in all, it was a day well spent between the two because a girl's first best friend is their mother and that was more than true for Scarlett. 



i know it was short and filler, but I realized we havent seen much of Scarletts relationship with her mother so I added this in quickly!!


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