Ch. 12

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Esmeralda's POV- September 2016

I glanced up from the book I was reading as Colton Parayko made his way into the cafetaria. He hummed as he finished looking around the cafateria and his eyes fell on me.

"Why is a pretty girl like you all alone?"

"I'm reading" I responded to him earning a chuckle.

"What are you reading?"

"A book" I answered as I went back to reading my book.

He hummed and I heard him move around the cafateria. I glanced up when I no longer heard him, and smiled at him when I noticed he was right across from me.

"You're a little smart ass, aren't you?"

"Maybe I am" I told him as I looked at him.

"Mind if I sit with you?"

He smiled and I realized he was just being nice.

"Go for it" I replied earning a nod from him.

He took a seat next to me and I smiled when he looked at me.

"Yes?" I asked.

He smiled.

"What class are you reading for?"

"LALS" I answered earning a hum from him.

"How many courses are you taking?"

"I'm taking 4 with the internship" I stated.

He hummed and nodded.

"Are they major requirements?"

I shook my head as I bookmarked the page and closed my book.

"No" I responded.

"That's cool"

I nodded slowly and he chuckled.

"I'm not flirting with you"

"I know you aren't" I stated.

He nodded.

"Word around the team is that you rejected Nathan Mackinnon"

"Yeah" I said nodding.

"If I can know why?"

"I don't know him" I said earning a nod from him.

"You said this internship was the last thing for your PR minor"

I nodded.

"So are you done with your major requirements?"

"No, I've got to take a senior seminar" I told him.

He hummed and nodded.

"You're a bioengineering major graduating in 4 years, you deserve an award"

I laughed.

"You think so?" I asked.

He nodded.

"You graduated this past summer as well" I stated.

He smiled.

"I did research on all of you" I confessed.

"That's nice to know, and yes I did. I got my Bachelor's in Business Administration"

He grinned.

"It's not as cool as Bioengineering"

"A degree is still a degree" I told him.

"I'm going to have to work after hockey, so you know it's nice to know I have a degree"

I nodded.

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