Ch. 20

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Auston's POV- September 2016

"I got to say, I did not expect this"

I glanced at Esmeralda who was slowly looking around the apartment.

"Did you expect a bachelor pad?" I asked her as I set the bag of carryout food on the kitchen counter.

She laughed and made her way over.

"Yeah, I thought there would be less furniture"

I chuckled.

"The place came furnished" I admitted.

"That makes sense"

"My mom decorated to make it seem more like home" I told her.

She nodded and took a seat on a stool.

"Do you actually cook or do you eat takeout every night?"

"Not all of us have a roommate like Andres" I sassed.

She laughed.

"Hey now, he doesn't cook every night"

"When do I get to try your cooking?" I asked.

"You can come over on Wednesday if you have a chance"

I smiled and nodded.

"I'll be there" I said.

"So do you cook?"

"I survive" I admitted.

She laughed and looked at me when the doorbell rung.

"Were you expecting anyone?"

"No" I replied.

I made my way to the door and unlocked the door to reveal Mitch and William Nylander.

"Can we come in? We bring pizza and drinks"

I sighed and stepped back.

"I guess" I said.

They walked in and I closed the door before following them to the living room. Esmeralda was eating a fry in the same place she had been before.

"That explains why he didn't want to let us in"

She smiled at Mitch who set the pizza box on the counter next to her.

"Mitch, right?"

Mitch nodded and I looked at William when I heard nothing from him. He was looking at Esmeralda with wide eyes.

"Willy is usually normal, but I guess cat got his tongue"

I bit the inside of my cheek as she laughed when he blushed and smiled at her.

"He normally doesn't stare at people this long"

Willy rolled his eyes and stretched out his hand.

"I'm William"

Esmeralda nodded as she shook his hand.

"I'm Esmeralda, it's nice to meet you"

He let go of her hand and stuffed his hands into his pockets. She smiled as he stared at her.

"Do I have something in my face?"

Willy shook his head and raised an eyebrow as he asked,

"Have I met your before?"

She shook her head and smiled

"I'd remember a face like yours"

He chuckled.

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