Ch. 29

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Esmeralda's POV- November 2016

"Are you going home for Thanksgiving?"

I looked at George and shook my head.

"What about you?" I asked.

"Still deciding, I don't really want to deal with two Thanksgiving dinners this year"

George's parents separated when he was 8 years old, but didn't fully divorce until he was 18 years old.

"Makes sense" I admitted.

"You're having Thanksgiving dinner with Auston and his family, right?"

"I actually wanted to talk to you about that" I stated.

"About what exactly?"

"Should I go?" I asked.

He nodded.

"His whole family knows of me, and the only person that knows I have a boyfriend is my mom" I said.

He shrugged.

"He's got two sisters, I'm sure he understands that your brothers are protective"

"He figured they were" I replied.

"You should tell them before they figure it out"

I sighed.

"Can you do it for me?" I asked.

He smiled.

"I'm probably going to get yelled at because I knew before them"

"That's cause you're here" I said.

"So you're telling me that if I wasn't in Toronto I wouldn't know you're dating a manchild?"

"I mean Kyla and Jo know" I told him.

"Jo woul have probably told me"

"She tells you everything" I stated.

He nodded.

"I was actually talking with her last night since I can't find an apartment to sublet"

I raised an eyebrow.

"I didn't know you were looking for one" I admitted.

He shrugged.

"I thought you had a lease with the people you lived with last year" I said.

"I didn't renew it"

"So you have no place to go to when you get back?" I asked.

"I mean I could always go home"

I scrunched up my nose and he smiled.

"I don't mind the commute"

"That's like your last option, we technically have an extra room" I told him.

"Jo actually told me about that. I didn't know you guys were going to sublet a room"

"Yeah, Liv is subletting the room" I said.

Olivia was my roommate freshmen year; she was basically done with her major, so she was going to study abroad a semester, and then graduate with us in June.

"She's going to Australia, and she will be there until May" I explained.

"Jo told me she was going to talk with Liv"

"I'm sure she will sublet the room to you" I stated.

"Let's hope so because I really don't want to go back to living at home"

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