Ch. 37

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Esmeralda's POV- December 2016

"As mean as this is going to sound"

I laughed as Alyssa shook her head.

"Gael is such a guy and I am going to miss how organized the room looks"

"You could always get a roommate" I stated.

"I can, but I love Gael enough to ignore how messy he is"

I nodded and took a sip of my margarita.

"I'm going to miss our Sushi dates though"

"You can always bring Andres" I said.

"Andres is nice company but all he wants to eat is Chinese food"

"You take your Chinese food for granted" I told her.

She laughed.

"You love Chinese food"

"That I do" I admitted.

"So how was your date with Auston?"

She wiggled her eyebrows.

"Don't think I didn't notice that limp"

I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"Are you two going to continue seeing each other after you go back to LA?"

"Yes, we decided to do long distance" I said.

"That's real good"

I nodded.

"I told him I love him" I added.

She gasped and and sat up.

"No way, what did he say?"

I smiled.

"He told me he loves me back" I answered.

She grinned.

"I'm so happy for you Esme"

I laughed as she wiggled her eyebrows at me.

"Ok, so what's the plan?"

"After eating some yummy food we are going to head over to the ACC to watch a hockey game where Gael is supposed to meet up with us" I said.

She nodded.

"Are you spending the night at Auston's?"

I nodded.

"I am, but we will have that sleepover on Friday" I told her.

"We should make Margaritas"

"We should" I agreed.

"You're free Saturday, right?"

"Yeah, I just need someone to drop me off at Auston's apartment at night" I stated.

"I could do that"

I smiled.

"What do you have planned for Saturday?" I asked.

"Yours and George's farewell dinner"

"How thoughtful of you" I said.

She grinned.

"We're all going to miss you"

Her eyes glossed up and I shook my head.

"No crying" I warned.

"I'm sorry, it's just do you know how much I'm going to miss you? I will be the only girl in that apartment"

"Maybe Andres won't mind a roommate" I stated.

"I honestly don't think he would mind since he technically only sleeps there"

I nodded agreeing with her.

"I don't think his girlfriend will like it if he got a girl roommate" I admitted.

"That is very true, they're cute together"

"They are" I said agreeing with her.

"Who's taking you to the airport?"

"Auston, he asked George and I on Sunday" I told her.

"I can't even be bitter about it since he's your boyfriend"

I laughed.

"So what is this I hear about George having a twin sister?"

"Her name is Mariana, and she actually has history with William" I said.


I nodded.

"No way"

"Yup" I stated.

"Were they dating?"

"She didn't want to label the relationship" I informed her.

She frowned.

"Who wouldn't want to date William Nylander? The guy is handsome, polite and extremely good at hockey"

I laughed.

"Don't let Gael hear you" I joked.

"He would understand if I left him for Nylander"

I smiled and shook my head at her.

"He probably would" I stated.

I was going to miss Toronto.

A/N:I need to shower and watch some How to get away with murder. 

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