Ch. 16

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Esmeralda's POV- September 2016

"Morgan, you're getting Mic'd up" I told him as I approached him.

He smiled and touched his chest.

"I have the honor of being Mic'd up?"

"Yes you do" I said.

I ignored the chuckles I got from his teammates as I put a small stool in front of him.

"Do you mind pulling your jersey up?" I asked.

"Don't let Auston hear you say that"

I smiled and shook my head as he slipped off his jersey. I stood up on the stool and began looking for a spot in his gear to clip the small microphone.

"Is this a way of telling me that I need to watch my language?"

I laughed and patted his arm after I clipped the microphone on him.

"You're going to dinner with all of us after, right?"

I smiled and nodded as he fixed his jersey.

"It's mandatory" I told him.

"Sounds like you don't want to hang out with us"

He offered me his hand as I got off the small stool.

"Thank you" I said earning a nod from him.

"I get you Esmeralda, I too would only like to spend my free time with Auston"

I laughed and got the small stool.

"Got any plans tomorrow?"

"I've got a midterm" I answered.

I turned when I heard my name. Dan was making his way over.

"Jake wants to talk with us"

I waved at the guys as Dan put his hands on my shoulder and led me away from them.

"I didn't even check if the microphone worked" I told him.

"It works, George double checked before he handed it to you"

He waved at Connor who chuckled.

"You found her"

Dan nodded.

"She wasn't with Auston, she was with Morgan getting his mic'd up"

Connor nodded as we walked past him, and opened the door to Jake's makeshift office.

"We're just waiting on George"

I took a seat next to Gabe and he looked at me.

"How was your date?"

"That was yesterday?"

Dan sat next to me and grinned.

"How'd that go?"

"He picked me up from school, and we ate Chinese food at the apartment" I told him.

"Is that all you guys did?"

I rolled my eyes as Gabe wiggled his eyesbrows at me.

"We watched TV and we fell asleep" I said.

The three of us turned when George walked into the room.

"Did I miss anything?"

He sat next to Dan and reached for a lollipop on Jake's desk.

"Esmeralda was telling us about her date"

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