Ch. 38

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Auston's POV- December 2016

"Do you have to go?" I asked Esmeralda as I zipped up my sweater.

She turned to look at me and smiled as she set her curling wand.

"Auston, you have plans today"

"That I could cancel" I said.

"Nonsense, you're going and you're going to have fun"

"I was having much more fun with you last night though" I stated.

She laughed.

"We have to be quiet, the microphone George is using in the living room picks any sound up"

"What exactly is he doing?" I asked.

"Mariana is ignoring George right now, so he's getting William to apologize to a camera"

"Smart" I admitted.

She put on her jacket and grabbed her coat.

"Don't you have a thick coat?"

"Should I?" I asked.

"It's freezing outside"

I followed her out of the room and she nodded.

"I'll take it that you're done

George glanced up from his laptop and nodded.

"Yeah, we would have finished earlier if it weren't for William's reflective forehead"

Willy frowned a bit.

"It's all the layers I was wearing! The heater was on here"

George rolled his eyes.


Both he and Willy looked at me.

"Are you only wearing that out? It's freezing"

"I'll be fine" I told him.

Willy hummed and I watched as George and Esmeralda gathered some stuff.

"What exactly are you two doing?" I asked.

"Senior photographs, see you later!"

The front door closed and Esmeralda's laugh was heard as the door opened again.

"Take care of my car, yeah?"

Esmeralda nodded at Willy and made her way over.

"I'll text you when we're done"

I nodded and gave her a quick kiss. She hugged Willy and made her way back towards the door.

"Love you! Have fun"

The door closed and Willy looked at me with wide eyes.

"Did she say love you?"

I grinned and grabbed my keys.

"We should head out since we need to pick up some of the guys" I said.

"You can't just leave me hanging!"

"I just did" I told him.

I opened the door and looked at Willy who was still standing in the middle of the living room.

"Are you coming or not?" I asked.


A/N: It is time I wrap this off. Three more chapters. 

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