Ch. 30

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Esmeralda's POV- November 2016

I lightly touched Auston's nose as he slept and smiled as he scrunched up his nose and lightly tried to swat what was on his nose. He coughed a bit and I watched as his face lightly relaxed making his lips part a bit. Auston snored, but it wasn't a loud and noticable snore. It was more of a soft rasp that came out of his mouth when he was lying on his back. I reached for his phone when his alarm went off, waking him up. He let out a deep breath and scrunched up his nose as I rubbed his bicep.

"You've got practice in an hour" I reminded him.

He shifted on his side and hugged my waist as pressed his face against my chest. I laughed as he groaned when he noticed I had changed out of my pjs.

"You should get up before they eat your food" I stated.

He pulled his head away from my chest and looked up at me.

"Good morning" I told him.

He smiled as I cupped his cheek and gave him a kiss.


"He speaks" I joked earning a hum in response from him as he lied back down and looked at me.

"Whose here?"

"Mitch" I said.

"You said they"

I smiled.

"I figured you'd wake up if you knew your food was in danger" I admitted.

"If he eats my food I'll make him buy me food on the way"

I laughed.

"Why are you up so early?"

He slowly sat up and I watched as he stretched.

"Like what you see?"

"What question do you want me to answer first?" I asked.

He chuckled and stood up.

"George needs a new lense and he asked if I could go with him" I told him.

He nodded and took off his shirt to reveal his nicely toned body.

"I do like what I see" I stated.

He smiled as he made his way over to his closet.

"How long will that take?"

I shrugged.

"Why?" I asked.

"Let's get lunch after I'm done with practice"

"Ok" I agreed.

He slipped off his shorts and put on his jeans.

"You know you are the only guy who wears distressed jeans" I admitted.

"They don't know style"

"You're such a hipster" I teased.

"You're mean"

I smiled and got off the bed.

"I'll make your bed" I told him.

"You're the best"

I grabbed the pillows on the bed and set them on the floor. I quickly made his bed, and just as I set the pillows on the bed Mitch cleared his throat while he leaned on the doorway.

"Thanks for breakfast"

"You're welcome" I told him.

He followed me into the hallway and grinned as Auston walked out of the bathroom.

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