Ch. 22

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Auston's POV- October 2016

"We should probably get up"

I scrunched up my nose and shifted on my side.

"Why?" I asked.

Esmeralda laughed and looked at me.

"I'm starving"

"I've got no food" I informed her.

She smiled.

"We can go to the grocery store"

"It's your birthday, you shouldn't cook" I said.

She shrugged.

"I don't mind"

I smiled at her.

"So I got you a cake, and it's in my fridge" I stated.

She laughed.

"Are you saying we should have cake for breakfast?"

I shrugged and smiled as she shook her head.

"As nice as that sounds you shouldn't be eating like that"

I watched as she climbed off of my bed and made her way over to her overnight bag.

"Come on, change so we can go to the grocery store"

I groaned and turned to look at my phone as it vibrated on the nightstand.

"You look nice by the way" I said to her.

Her PJ shorts accentuated her legs, and I was not complaining


I grinned and reached for my phone. Esmeralda had spent the night and believe it or not, nothing happened. Dinner had gone real well as had eating yogurt after, and we had ended the night here watching a movie. Things did get a little heated, but she stopped it before anything could happen. It had been a while since she had sex, and she didn't feel comfortable yet.

"Morgan is asking if he can come over" I told her.

"Tell him to bring food"

"I like the way you think" I stated as I sent Morgan a text.

I looked up and frowned at her.

"I didn't even see your show" I said.

She rolled her eyes and buttoned her jeans.

"What should he bring?" I asked.

She climbed up on the bed and reached for my phone.

"What exactly do you have in your fridge?"

"Only cake and gatorade" I admitted.

She laughed as I handed her my phone.


"That sounds good" I told her.

I watched as she typed up a text and sent it to him.

"Mitch and William are on their way as are some of your teammates"

I groaned and she patted my chest.

"That means you have to change"

I sighed and sat up.

"Do I have to let them in?" I asked.

"They're bringing food"

"What if I take the food from them and close the door" I suggested.

She laughed and made her way out of the room.


I sighed and decided to shower. The doorbell rung while I was in the shower, and Esmeralda answered the door.

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