Ch. 21

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Esmeralda's POV- October 2016

"Shouldn't you be on a diet?" I asked Auston who added some chocolate to his Frozen Yogurt.

He glanced up and smiled.

"This can be our little secret"

I added two cherries onto my Frozen yogurt.

"I'm not the only one who has a sweet tooth"

"I never denied my sweet tooth" I stated as he looked at the Gummie bears and M&Ms on my yogurt.


I nodded and followed him to the register where I place my cup of yogurt next to his. He pulled out his credit card and handed it to the man in front of the register.

"Have a nice day"

"Thanks, you too" I told the man as Auston handed me my yogurt.

He reached for my hand and led me to a table.

"Do your feet hurt?"

"A little" I admitted.

Auston nodded slowly.

"Why don't you take them off?"

I laughed and shook my head.

"Nope, I chose to wear them" I stated.

"You've got your other shoes in the car"

"I'm fine" I told him.

I sat down and placed my yogurt on the table as Auston sat next to me. I looked at him when he placed his hand on my knee.

"Are you having a good time?"

"Of course" I answered.

He smiled and took a bite of his frozen yogurt.

"You were right"

"About?" I asked before I took a bite of my yogurt.

"This is much better desert and it's actually healthier"

He lightly nudged me and I smiled as he leaned in.

"We've got much more privacy too"

I nodded and closed my eyes as he kissed me. I opened my eyes when he pulled away a bit, and I smiled as I looked at his eyes. Auston's eyes were dark brown, but now that I was incredibly close to him I could see the light honey color surrounding his iris.

"You have really pretty eyes" I stated.

His eyes crinkled as he smiled.

"You're the one with blue eyes"

I smiled.

"You know everyone is born with blue eyes and technically everyone has brown eyes" I told him.


I nodded as he pulled away.

"As you grow, the melanin in your eye accumulates. Your eyes have more of it than mine, which is why mine are blue" I told him.

"Melanin also determines hair and skin color, right?"

"Yes" I said earing a grin from him.

I reached over and pushed a lose strand that was on his forehead as he ate his yogurt.

"You told me to stop telling you this, but you look beautiful"

"You told me to stop telling you this, but you look beautiful"

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I smiled and lightly shoved him.

"What time is it?" I asked him.

"Almost 10PM"

I nodded and ate some of my yogurt.

"So how does it feel to be almost 21?"

I shrugged.

"I mean I could already legally drink here already" I told him.

He laughed and nodded.

"I'm kind of thankful that I'm here though" I admitted.


"Because I can actually remember what I did the night before my 21st birthday" I stated.

He smiled.

"So you're saying you'd probably be trashed by now?"

I shook my head.

"Not yet, it's 7PM over there" I said earning a chuckle from him.

"So you would be getting ready to get trashed"

I nodded.

"Exactly" I told him.

"Did you imagine you'd be spending the night before your birthday like this?"

I ate some yogurt and sighed as I looked at Auston.

"I ate really yummy food, had real nice company, and I'm eating Frozen yogurt. I think this is a real nice way to spend the night before my birthday" I said.

He smiled and nodded as I pulled the stem from the cherry.

"I'm nice to be around"

"All 6'3 of you" I informed him as he leaned in.

"That's nice to know"

I laughed and closed my eyes as he kissed me. My eyes snapped open as his tongue went inside my mouth.

"You stole my cherry" I stated as he pulled away.

No guy had ever stuck their tongue in my mouth and if they had tried I would have probably punched them, yet I didn't mind that Auston's tongue was in my mouth.

"You taste really fruity"

His tongue tasted like chocolate. 

A/N: I will be out of town most of next week, so I will try to post twice a day starting Monday.

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