Ch. 32

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Auston's POV- November 2016

"Can I borrow the red when you're done using it"

Esmeralda looked up from the sheet she was coloring and nodded at Willy

"Almost done"

I glanced down at my phone as it vibrated.

"Hey babe" I said once I finished reading over the text.


Even Willy turned to look at me as he took the red crayon from Esmeralda.

"My mom wants to confirm that you can make it to Thanksgiving dinner" I told her.

She smiled and nodded.

"I will be there, formal attire right?"

"She wants pictures" I told her.

I replied to my mom and turned my attention towards the door that opened. Kapi (Kasperi Kapanen) walked in and he chuckled when he noticed Willy and Esmeralda coloring on the coffee table.

"Did you guys eat? Please tell me you didn't because I really want to order Chinese food"

Esmeralda glanced up and smiled.

"George is coming over with Chinese food"

Kapi raised an eyebrow and looked at Willy who looked up.

"You haven't met George?"

He shook his head.

"He's Esmeralda's friend who's also studying abroad for the semester"

"I'm sure you've met him, he took some photographs during Marlies practice" I told him.

"He's the one who's equally pretty to William here"

I chuckled as Willy frowned at Esmeralda.

"That must be George" I said as her phone started ringing.

She reached for her phone and nodded before answering the phone call.


She nodded and looked at Willy.

"George said the lady at the front desk wouldn't let him in"

Kapi chuckled.

"I'll go get him"

He made his way out as Esmeralda told George someone would be down for him. I turned my attention to my phone when it vibrated again.

"Is George going home for Thanksgiving?" I asked.

She shook her head.

"No, his parents are divorced and he doesn't want to go through all the trouble of going to two dinners"

"Do you think he'd want to come to dinner?" I asked.

My mom had taken a rather liking for George. She thought he was perfect for my older sister, Alexandria.

"You could ask him"

I looked at George as he and Kapi walked in.

"What are you doing Thanksgiving Day?" I asked him.

He smiled at me as Kapi closed the door.

"Hello to you too Auston"

Kapi led him towards the kitchen, and once he set the food on the counter he turned to me as he took off his backpack.

"I have no plans"

"Do you want to have dinner with my family and Esmeralda?" I offered.

He hummed and glanced at Esmeralda.

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