Ch. 25

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Auston's POV- October 2016

I made my way out of my room and quietly made my way down the hallway. After last night's 4-1 win against the Boston Bruins I figured I'd have a nice night in with Esmeralda instead of going out with some of the guys. My night did not go as planned because William showed up at my door competely trashed at 3AM. It's a good thing my parents had a red eye flight back to Arizona and that Esmeralda had spent the night  because she was able to calm him down when he broke down and began talking in incredibly fast Swedish. He crashed on the couch, and when I woke up Esmeralda was not next to me. I figured she was in the living room talking with William.

"It's complicated"

Esmeralda hummed lightly earning a chuckle from William.

"I'm not going to like what you're about to tell me, right?"

I opened the door to the bathroom just as Esmeralda asked,

"What makes her so special?"

I closed the door to the bathroom and reached for my toothbrush. At first I was a bit jealous of Willy and his pretty face. Esmeralda had admitted that she thought William was a handsome guy, but after watching how she acted around him I realized that she acted the same way around George.

"I think it's time you put yourself out there, you're a handsome young man who happens to be talented in hockey"

"Thanks Esme"

I walked into the living room as William put his head on Esmeralda's shoulder.

"Morning" I said.

"Your breakfast plate is in the microwave"

I nodded and made my way into the kitchen.

"Come sit with us"

I got the plate from the microwave and made my way over to the living room.

"Sorry for coming here, and hogging your girl"

"Don't be, I'm just glad she was here" I said as I sat across from them.

He nodded and closed his eyes.

"You look like shit" I told him.

He chuckled and opened his eyes to look up at Esmeralda who laughed.

"I'm sorry William, but you're not pretty right now"

I took a bite of the French toast and watched as she rubbed his back.

"So what are we watching?" I asked.

I looked at the screen to see it was paused.

"We were watching Code Black, but we really weren't paying attention so I'm going to start it from the beginning"

I nodded as Esmeralda reloaded the episode.

"Was William asking you about your medals?" I asked.

I looked at Esmeralda as she laughed.

"Yeah, he asked me if I had them with me"

I chuckled and turned my attention to the TV. He was not the first to ask Esmeralda

where her medals were.

"She made me think they were in her purse"

He was also not the only one who fell for that. Esmeralda had made Mitch believe her medals were in her purse.

"You can't exactly wear your medal around every where you go"

William looked at her.

"Uh yea you can"

Esmeralda shook her head.

"They're actually a lot heavier than you think"

She patted his back and smiled.

"Maybe in a few years you'll own one"

He grinned.

"When Sweden wins gold in the Olympics?"

Esmeralda smiled back at him.


"When they win Silver" I finished.

He frowned and looked at both of us.

"If I weren't so hungover I'd leave"

A/N: It's as posting at 1:30AM has become a trend. I'm currently watching the Bachelor and how dare he send Whitney and Danielle M. home! Send Corrine home because she's a horrible human being! I get she's pretty but think with your brain. Excuse my rant, I am sleep deprived. I finished one of my college grad school apps, and I will finish another before I leave town for the weekend.

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