Ch. 31

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Esmeralda's POV- November 2016

I adjusted the beanie on William's head and watched as he slept. The front door opened and I glanced up as Auston and Kasperi stepped inside.

"You got him to fall asleep"

I nodded as Kasperi closed the front door. They looked exhausted and I don't blame them, Auston and William got back to Toronto at around 3:30AM; Kasperi didn't get in until 5AM, which was when he called us. Kasperi and William shared a condo because they felt there was no reason for them to live alone. I didn't really know Kasperi as much since he played for the Toronto Marlies, the Leafs farm team. 

"I need some coffee to stay awake"

Kasperi was William's best-friend. Mitch told me that if you saw one you usually saw the other close behind, which was kind of true. Kapi as most of the guys called him played for the farm team, where as William was a rookie for the Leafs.

"Go to sleep, I got him" I assured him.

He looked at me and then glanced at Auston who had his back towards us.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, it's early I doubt he will wake up anytime soon. I promised I'd go with him to the mall in the afternoon" I told him.

"He wants to get his number changed, right?"

I nodded.

"About time, I've been trying to get him to change it"

Auston glanced at Kasperi and I.

"He told me he's been on and off for about 4 years now with his ex" I addressed.

Kasperi nodded.

"She broke up with him the day after he got drafted because she couldn't do distance"

I frowned.

"He told me that she looks for him every summer when she knows he's in Sweden" I stated.

"Yeah she also calls him when she finds out he's trying to move on"

William had mentioned that he met a girl this past Winter that he began to fall for, but his ex ruined his chances with her. 

"So you know about Ana"

"Yeah he briefly mentioned her last time" I told him.

"Maybe you know her, she used to go to UCLA"

"That campus is huge, and I don't know anyone by the name of Ana" I admitted.

He scrunched up his nose and glanced at Willy.

"Ana was Willy's dream girl, stunning and incredibly smart"

"What exactly happened?" I asked.

"I don't know, he won't tell me the whole story"

I carefully placed William's hand on his stomach and stood up.

"I'm just glad you've knocked some sense into him"

I laughed and made my way to the kitchen where Auston was already eating.

"Willy would never try to steal your girlfriend from you, but I hope you realize that Will does consider Esmeralda a close friend. They haven't exactly known each other for long, but I haven't technically been around since we don't play for the same team at the moment so its nice to see him venting and not keeping these things to himself"

Auston nodded.

"I know, Willy talked to me about this the other day. He wanted to clear things up to me before I thought anything was going on. He told me his relation with Esmeralda is purely platonic"

Kasperi smiled and yawned.

"I'm going to bed"

"Why don't you eat first?" I asked.

"I'll reheat my food when I wake up. It's hard to keep my eyes open"

I nodded.

"Make yourselves at home"

"Thank you" I called out as he left.

I turned to look at Auston who was eating.

"How about after we eat, we take a nap. The couch is big enough for both of us"

"Sounds like a plan" I admitted.

A/N: In case many of my readers do not know, I am a die hard Kings fan. I haven't really kept up with them because I've been busy with grad school applications. I sure watched last nights game though, and even though they lost it was nice to see Adrian Kempe make his NHL debut. 

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