Ch. 33

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Auston's POV- Thanksgiving 2016

"Can you drive faster?"

I glanced at my older sister, Alexandria who frowned at me.

"We're stuck in traffic, this is not my fault" I stated.

She pursed her lips and crossed her arms.

"Remind me why I brought you with me?" I asked.

I hissed as she smacked me.

"I'm driving!" I scolded.

She rolled her eyes.

"We're stuck in traffic Auston, and I didn't hit you that hard"

The sting on my shoulder begged to differ. I let out a deep breath and leaned back against my seat. My phone buzzed and I looked down at the screen.

"Is it her?"

"Yeah" I replied as I opened the text.

Esmeralda was done getting ready, and George was almost done. Mom was so excited when I told her George was coming over because she claimed he was perfect for Alex. He was educated, polite and handsome.

"So the friend she's bringing over"

I looked at Alex.

"No" I warned.

She smiled.


"I know what you're thinking and no" I stated.

"So he is hot"

She laughed when I ignored her.

"I can still turn the car around" I mentioned.

I smiled when she frowned and looked out the window.

"Why didn't she go home for Thanksgiving?"

"She saw no point since the semester is almost over" I answered.

"I just realized she's not coming to Toronto after winter break"

I nodded slowly.

"Have you two talked that out?"

"No, I really don't want to think of that right now" I admitted.

She nodded.

"I just figured it'd be a bit serious since you invited her to Thanksgiving dinner"

I shrugged as I turned my attention to the road.

"Is it serious?"

"I'd like to think so, she's been busy with school and I've been busy with hockey" I replied.

"When is she leaving to California?"

"Second week of December" I stated.

"You've got time to talk about this then"

I nodded and pulled into a parking spot. I shut off the car and took off my seatbelt. I turned to Alex when she didn't move.

"Are you not coming up?" I asked.

"I could come up?"

"Yeah" I said getting out of the car.

She quickly did the same and I locked the car when she made her way over.

"I'm kind of excited"

I smiled a bit as she poked my side.

"Please be nice" I told her.

She looked at me.

"I'm always nice Auston"

I hummed and locked the car doors.

"Hurry up" I called out.

I made my way into the apartment and up the stairs.

"Walk faster" I stated.

I stopped in front of the apartment door and lightly knocked on the door.

"Please be nice" I repeated to Alex who smiled.

I turned my attention to the door that unlocked and slowly opened. George offered us a smile as he stepped back while pushing his hair back. He was on the phone and looked incredibly frustrated. Alex and I walked in and she looked at me as I closed the door when George began talking incredibly fast Russian. I walked towards the kitchen and smiled at Esmeralda who was placing chocolate cookies into a cardboard box.

"Hey" I said getting her attention.

She smiled and glanced behind me.

"I'm almost done right now, I just need to put the apple pie away"

I nodded and watched as she placed two apple pies in separate boxes.

"Hi, I'm Esmeralda"

Alex smiled as she shook Esmeralda's hand.

"I'm Alexandria, Auston's older sister"

Esmeralda nodded.

"It's nice to meet you, I've heard a lot about you and your sister from Auston"

Alex grinned.

"All good I hope?"

"Not really" I admitted.

I turned my attention to George who made his way into the kitchen.

"I figured I would introduce myself before I combed my hair, I'm George"

He smiled at Alex as he shook her hand.

"You must be one of Auston's sister"

Alex nodded.

"I'm Alexandria, his older sister"

George hummed and looked at me as he let go of her hand.

"Thanks again for the invitation"

I shrugged.

"It's no problem" I stated.

He nodded.

"I'm going to comb my hair now"

He stepped back and made his way into the hallway. Once a door closed, Alex looked at Esmeralda and smiled.

"He's nice on the eyes"

Esmeralda laughed and turned her attention towards the desserts.

"Did you get Auston this shirt?"

She glanced at Alex and smiled.

"Purple looks nice on his skin tone"

Alex nodded.

"That's what mom and I always tell him, but he's stubborn"

George walked into the kitchen while adjusting his jacket.

"Alright, I'm ready"

He stacked the boxes and looked at Esmeralda.

"Mom says hi"

She smiled.

"I'm sure she said more than that" 

He chuckled.

"She's just mad because Mari chose to go to spend tonight with her friends instead"

Esmeralda put on her coat and grabbed her purse.

"Your mom will get over it"

He grinned.

"That's what I said"

I looked at Alex who was checking George out. I sighed and shook my head...this was going to be a long night.

A/N: A few more chapters left!

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