Ch. 17

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Esmeralda's POV- September 2016

"So Kelly texted me"

"No" I told George.

He frowned.

"She said she's sorry"

I used to like Kelly, but then she did something to George that made me not like her anymore.

"I don't like her anymore" I stated.

"Come on Esme"

I shook my head.

"She stood you up" I stated.

He looked at me and huffed.

"I don't know why I'm asking, I'm just going to text her back"

"No you won't" I told him as I snatched his phone from his hands.

I placed the phone in my pocket and slipped on both my boots.

"I don't really need your approval Esme"

"You don't but you want it" I said as I zipped up my boots.

I sat up and looked at him.

"You're better than that George" I stated.

"Then why have I been single for so long?"

"Because you choose to be single" I replied.

He sat down next to me and frowned.

"You look nice by the way"

"Thank you, you got me this blouse" I said.

He smiled.

"It's why I told you that you looked pretty"

I laughed and turned to him.

"Why don't you just man up and ask Jo out?" I asked.

He frowned at me.

"That way I don't have to go with you to your Fraternity's formal dance" I added.

We both glanced up when we heard a light knock on the door. I smiled at Auston who was leaning against the doorway.

"What can we do for you man?"

Auston smiled and cleared his throat.

"Do you mind if I steal her for a bit?"

George shook his head.

"Take her, she's being mean to me"

I stood up and looked at George.

"Bye" I called out as I made my way over to Auston.

"My phone?"

I smiled and followed Auston into the hallway.

"Did I do something wrong?"

I raised an eyebrow and looked at Auston.

"What?" I asked.

"You've been ignoring me"

"I haven't" I stated.

"You walked right past me before the game started"

I shook my head.

"I'm sorry, I was working it's not that I meant to ignore you I just didn't see you" I told him.

He let out a sigh of relief.

"Ok, that's good"

I raised an eyebrow.

"I thought I had offended you when I kissed you"

"No, it was a very nice kiss" I said.

He smiled.


I nodded and he stuffed his hands into his pockets.

"Ok, that's nice to hear"

I smiled as his eyes trailed down from my head to toes.

"You look really nice"

"Thank you, I like your suit" I told him.

I frowned and pulled out a vibrating phone from my pocket. I ignored the phonecall and placed it in my hoodie again. At the same time, my actual phone started ringing.

"Hello" I said answering the phone call.

"Hey, so am I giving you a ride or is Auston taking you?"

"Give me a second" I told Gabe.

He hummed and I looked at Auston who was eavesdropping.

"I could take you"

"He can take me" I said into my phone.

"Alright, I'll leave your stuff in my car"

"Ok, thanks" I said.

"George wants his phone back"

"I'm in the hallway" I told him.

I smiled at George as he made his way down the hallway.

"Ignore me, I'm just here for my phone"

Auston nodded as George stretched his hand out and I handed him his phone.

"I'll see you two in a bit"

He walked away and I looked at Auston.

"A girl stood him up the other day, and now she's calling him back" I explained.

"That sucks"

I nodded.

"He deserves better" I stated.

I looked at him when I realized that what I had just said could be interpreted as jealousy.

"He's my bestfriend, and I've seen him get his heart broken many times" I told Auston.

"You're protective over him, you don't need to explain that"

He smiled.

"My car is this way"

I nodded and smiled as he reached for my hand.

"Your midterm is tomorrow, right?"

"Yes" I answered.

"What are you doing after?"

"Laundry" I replied.

He chuckled.

"So that laundry pile I saw this morning is yours"

"Yes, I've been a little busy. I'm all out of pants so I have to wear Yoga pants to class tomorrow" I said.

"I've got plans in the morning, but I'm free in the afternoon. Do you maybe want to hang out?"

"That would be nice" I responded.

He smiled and nodded.

"Ok, good"

A/N: Just a reminder that I won't be updating as frequently this month because I have to finish my College Grad Applications.

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