Ch. 35

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Esmeralda's POV- December 2016

"I'm going to drop out" I stated.

I heard Auston lightly chuckle from the living room where he and a few of his teammates were playing video games. I looked at George and nudged him making him take off his headphones.

"I've decided I'm going to drop out" I told him.

George grinned.

"You could become an instagram model like the rest of the retired gymnasts"

I looked at him and smiled.

"You always know what to say to make me feel better" I said.

He pretended to tip an invisible hat on his head.

"Remember my final project is supposed to end in a happy note"

I nodded.

"Are you ready for your finals tomorrow?"

"I actually just finished my research paper and I need you to revise it" I stated.

I stood up as he nodded.

"Guys, do you want a home made meal or takeout?" I asked.

"Is that even a question?"

George's phone started ringing and he looked at the screen.

"I'm going out in the balcony to take this call"

I nodded and watched as he made his way out and just as he closed the door he said,

"Nice to know you're alive Mariana"

I glanced at William who stood up and made his way over.

"Is there anything you want to eat?" I asked him.

He looked at me and nodded slowly.


Gasps were heard from the living room and I raised an eyebrow.

"What! You want to eat Steak?"

Kasperi grinned.

"Willy isn't watching his figure anymore. Remember he has to gain more weight"

Auston chuckled.

"Steaks sounds good, who wants to go to the grocery store with me?"

Mitch stood up.

"I might as well go, so I can make sure you get the good steak"

I smiled and reached for my notebook.

"Let me make you guys a list of things I need" I said.

"While you do that I'm going to go get a jacket and put on shoes"

Auston made his way over and gave me a quick kiss.

"Hey Esme, aren't you going out on a date tomorrow?"

I looked at Mitch and nodded.

"Auston is cooking for me" I told him.

He hummed.

"Are you sure you want to eat that?"

I laughed.

"You're a horrible friend" I stated.

He grinned.

"I'm actually one of his bestfriends"

I smiled and looked at William who was trying to hear George's conversation with his sister.

Can't Help || Auston MatthewsWhere stories live. Discover now