Jack. (Eyeless Jack Story.)

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Everything happened on my birthday when I turned eight. I don't know why when I turned eight, or better yet; why me?

-July 4-

It was a summer morning when I woke. I quickly got dressed in my shirt and shorts, then went next door to wake my brother.

"Cole! Wake up!" I giggled when he opened the door.

"Come here munchkin!" I ran off with him coming closer. He picked me up and went downstairs to see mama and daddy, mama was cooking, and daddy was reading the paper. Cole sat me in my chair and sat down beside me.

"Cole, why don't you have a shirt on? You're at the table." Daddy spoke to Cole. Cole always told me that daddy wanted him to become a lawyer, like him. He always told him that he wanted to do something with music, but I know Cole is only thirteen and doesn't know yet. I know for a fact I wanna be a teacher. Cole huffed and went upstairs, and right when mama brought out breakfast, he came down with a shirt. Mama set our food down, then brought me a muffin with a candle with the number '8'.

"Happy birthday, Emily." Mama kissed my forehead, then daddy and Cole showed me a box. He opened it to reveal a ballerina spinning, while music played. He opened one of the drawers and pulled out a necklace. Daddy gasped.

"Cole! How did you get that?" He almost split his drink.

"I saved up all the money from my birthday, Easter, Christmas, and everything else to get her this. Mama was with me when I got it." He placed the necklace around my neck.

"My name!" I smiled and giggled. I smiled back at Cole, my mama, then my dad. "Thank you!"

We ate our food, and Cole went up to his room, while I went outside to play in the woods behind our house.

I was following a small path when I saw a someone that looked Cole's age. He turned to look at me. He had a blue mask, with little bits of brown hair sticking out.

"Who are you?" The boy stayed quiet. I walked closer, but he moved back. "I'm not gonna hurt you, silly! I'm Emily." I grabbed his hand, and he jumped a little.

"Emily.." I smiled and nodded.

"I'm... Jack."

"Can we be friends? Please, Jack?" He stayed quiet once again. He held my hand back. He nodded. I smiled once again. I began to wander the forest with him holding my hand. He always said things about smashing bugs or throwing rocks at birds. He did it, showing me I should do it too, and I did. He'd always told me I did good, for a beginner. We ended up finding a small pond with fish in it. He had let go of my hand and walked away.

"Wait! Jack, come back. I don't wanna be alone." I felt tears come to my eyes. I heard a noise and seen him come back with a stick. He rubbed my head.

"I'm sorry, Emily. I was getting you a stick," He moved part of his mask and kissed my forehead. "Don't cry."

He handed me the stick, then went into the water. He came back out with a fish flipping in his hands.

"Do you wanna kill something? It's okay if you do. Lots of people kill." He places the fish down and placed rocks on the fins, so it wouldn't flop away. He took both my hands in his and showed me how to kill it. Once he showed me, he moved his hands away and let me stab the fish. The sound the fish getting stabbed sounded like a someone stepping on a sponge, a little blood went flying. Some on me and my clothes, and some on his mask. He was happy with me. My friend was happy because I did something right, he told me, myself: "'You're doing so well. Once you get older, you'll be by my side and help me.'"

I saw it was getting to the point where the sun was highest in the sky. He took my hand and walked towards my house, near where we first met. He stopped and I looked up at him. He was facing my house, I looked back down to see Cole, I think he was looking for. Jack bent down to me.

The One I Call Jack. (Eyeless Jack Story.)Where stories live. Discover now