Chapter 7

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"Your father never loved you" I heard. I looked around for the voice that haunted my dreams....

nothing.... it was pitch black.

"YOU BITCH" as I was slapped.... no one came into view. Still darkness

"I have a schedule...." another voice trailed off.... then a face appeared. It was my kidnapper...

"I'm going to find you" he said and I could practically feel his cold fingers tracing up and down my body.

"And when I do..... ha.... you're gonna wish I didn't"

He did what he does best. He raped me in my own dream.

"And guess whose going to join the party?" he cackles

My sister steps into view. Her body bare, but covered in red.

"You did this...... She wouldn't have to be here if it weren't for you." he smirks

"Sami...." I start to cry.

He pushes harder as she watches.....

"No get off" I scream and scream.

He finally gets off but tackles my sister now going for her.

"Jaylie" she yelled

I got up to save her but my feet were chained.....

"Noooooooooo" I screamed and kick my legs furiously..

I lay there struggling, yet all I can do is watch..

"Jaylie wake up" someone shrugs my shoulders.

I open my eyes to see Harry. Out of all the people I expected to see, Harry is there.

I'm covered in sweat and stained tears.

Before I have time to think.... My arms find their way around Harry. And I cry into his shoulder.

He just sits there dumbfounded.

I hear rushing of feet and Harry jumps away from me.

Everyone else is in the room now.

"I heard screaming, what's going on?" Alex yawns and looks at me sympathetically....

I just sit there and cry... Perrie and the other girls sit by my side and comfort me.

"Did Harry hurt you?" Perrie questions softly

" I just had a nightmare.... it felt so real!" I cry.

"Its ok" they coo as I cry helplessly onto their shoulders

"I'm sorry to wake you." I stammer almost hyperventilating from the great amount of crying.

"Its ok, everyone has nightmares." Niall soothingly states.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Alex comes to my side rubbing circles in my back.

"I.....I.... I can't" I barely choke out.

"Alright." he says still sitting next to me.

"Alrighty then... Enough of this emotional shit..... I'm going to try and go back to bed. When I was so rudely interrupted by screaming next door. But that's unlikely considering its one am. Thanks Jaylie, I really appreciate it" he throws me a fake smile and walks out of the room.

"Sorry" I say again.

"Do you want us to stay?" Liam offers

"No. I don't want to keep you. Sorry I woke you up." I whimper.

"Its ok, like I said we're just down the hall" Sophia says

"Goodnight" Zayn smiles as everyone files out of the room.

Alex being the last one to leave. Before he left, he turned around and smiled at me "Sweet dreams" and shuts off the light.

I lay back down and stare at the ceiling. My mind now awake and hammering away.

Why is Harry so rude?

Where am I going to go in the morning?

What's Sami doing?

What if he's looking for her?

What am I going to do?

My mind stays on overload. Overflowing with questions and horrible memories.

Before I know it, I hear voices from downstairs.. I look over to the clock next to me. 7:30.

I got up and looked in the mirror. My hair still dirty and tangly from never being brushed, my clothes were rags with rips everywhere. Dark circles under my eyes from the lack of sleep. But I'm pretty sure they were always there.

I walk down the stairs and walk down the hall hoping to find the kitchen. But I stopped at the end of the hallway.

"I can't wait til we get rid of her!" Harry exclaims

"Harry, don't be rude. What if she needs to stay here longer!" Alex fires back

"Oh HELL no" Harry rants

"Why not. There's plenty of room,  and she seems to have been through a lot" Perrie argues...

"She's a bitch, waking me up in the middle of the night. She just needs to get the fuck out of here!"

"Harry... you don't even know her." Eleanor defends me.

"I dont have to know her, to know she's a whore!" Harry says a little louder.

I couldn't hear anymore. If they wanted to dicuss this,  why not do it with me present?

I walk out further, but no one seems to notice me.

Harry opens his mouth to speak but his eyes trail over to me. He clamps it shut and glares at me..

The whole group turns around and jumps at my arrival.

"How long have you been standing there? Harry reopens his damn mouth.

"I......" I look down at my feet and rub my arm.

"Well....?" He continues.

"Harry leave her alone" Liam scolded.

"Oh now she's a snoop, I told you she's no good!" Harry recoils

I turn away. I run to the front door and open it, bursting through

"Jaylie" Perrie calls after me.

But I don't stop running.

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