Chapter 35

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Jaylies POV

"How did it go?" she asks


"What did you do?"

"Duh.... Made pizzas"

"When are you working next?"

"Tomorrow at 11:00"

"Sorry hun,  but I cant drive you there" She says with a quick glance at me.

"Do you think Sophia or Eleanour could?" I ask hopefully.

"That's the thing.... We all have to work tomorrow" She says keeping her eyes on the road.





"Ok is there anyone who isn't working tomorrow?"  Frankly, I was scared. I didnt want them to judge me...

"Well..... Harry works from home! I'm sure he could give you a ride?"

"Maybe I could just walk" I say resting my head on the glass.

"Its supposed to rain tomorrow..." she said looking at me once the car reached a stop light.

"I could borrow an umbrella" I say making an excuse.

"I'll talk to him" she said returning her focus on the road.

I don't want anyone to know about my job, let alone Harry! This is a disaster!!!!!!!

I get out of the car as soon as she parked it and walked to the door. I opened it as quietly as I could so I wouldn't wake anyone. She trails behind me and shuts the door.

She said the words I wanted to hear most:

"Do you want some coffee?"

                               Sunday- 10:00am

I am all over the place stressed about my first day on the job. I curl my hair and then put it in a ponytail since I couldn't wear it down. I applied my makeup and a sprist of my favorite perfume. I frantically search for my tube of lip gloss in my makeup bag. I looked at the time which read 10:50.

"Harry" I yell throwing my bag down forgetting about the lip gloss.

"What" he yells back.

"Time to go" I say banging on his door.

He opens it, he is shirtless with gym shorts on, and a bed-head. Looks like he just woke up. How is is possible for someone to wake up and look perfect in the mornings?

He grabs his keys without another word and walks me to the car.

"Aren't you gonna put on a shirt?" I ask, secretly hoping he wouldn't.

"Why?" he asks starting his car.

"Because.... we're going in public" I say with my best nonchalant attitude.

"hmmm let me think.... I dont care" he said pulling out of the subdivision.


"Fine" I say pretending to be paranoid.

I look at the time on my phone.... 10:56 were never going to make it.

"Here we are" he said tipping an imaginary hat as if he were a taxi driver. "That will be €6"

"No way" I laugh.

"Call me when your done" he looks away. I pull out the note that I have kept in my pocket for the past day and a half, worried he was mad at me for what had happened.

I smoothed my shirt and walked in. People already waiting for the food court to open, let alone the entire shopping center.

I walk across the food court on my way to the pizza shop. I already saw Ed there setting it all up.

"Ah, right on time" he said checking his watch. "How bout you work the counter and I'll do all the cooking for today" he smiles.

"Sounds good!" I walk to the back and set my things down, secretly keeping my phone in my pocket.

I stand at the cash register waiting for my first sale,  but no one stopped by. They kept walking without another glance in our direction.

I watched from across the food court a bunch of guys loudly talking. I could literally hear almost every word.

"What do you guys want to eat, I'm starved." one of the more muscular guys said to the group scanning the food court until his eyes landed on me. He whispered something to his friends and they make their way over to the pizza shop.

"Hey babe" he said leaning up against the counter.

"Hi how can I help you" I say ignoring his smug look and rude comment.

"You can help me by unbuttoning that little top of yours" he said reaching over the counter.

I smack his hand away.

"Do you want any pizza or not?" I say frustrated.

"Feisty ey?" he said laughing with his friends. "Yeah I will have two slices of the meat lovers pizza"

"Anything else?" I say raising my brow.

"And a medium sprite" he said pulling out his wallet. I tell him the cost and he hands me money.

"for here or to go?" I ask.

"Here" he smirks as I put his order on a tray. I throw a pen down and point for him to sign his receipt.

He does so with a smile and slide it back over to me. I look down to see his name and number written at the bottom. I tear the extra information off and show him as I rip it up and throw it in the garbage.

"C'mon babe don't be like that" he licks his lips, and flips his strawberry blonde hair, batting his long eyelashes at me.

"Whose next?" I ask as the other boys push him to the back. I go through the same process with the other delusional guys. I have adapted and not looked up from the cash register.

"Hi how can I help you" I say sarcastically.

"Well if your gonna be like that I Will go somewhere else" I hear a familiar raspy voice.

"Harry" I smile as I look up. "Sorry about that, all those guys over there were being obnoxiously rude." I say bobbing my head in their direction. I look over to see them staring like beady-eyed hawks going in for the kill.

He looks over and gives them the devil glare.

"They're giving you trouble babe" he said extra loud for them to hear.

"Harry what are you doing?" I ask confused.

"Play along" he whispers. But I still dont understand.

"Kiss me" he says moving to look at me.

"What, why?" I reply shocked.

"Just do it" he said.

I cautiously move forward and wrap my hands around his neck and give him a short kiss.

I look to see the guys who were bugging me look away.

"So can I have a cheese pizza" he said as if nothing happened.


I hope you enjoyed.... its not super long but it will have to suffice.

Thanks for reading it means so much...

if anyone can guess where  This is a disaster comes from free shout out and votes if your writinf a story

And you can comment if you want... I mean I like reading comments... But its not me its you..

These are really weird.... simply because I'm a werid person...

Anyway, vote, comment and hope you liked it


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