Chapter 14

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Niall helped me to my feet and placed his arm around me.

I had realized I didnt want to die.... I wanted to show the world (more specifically my mom) that they couldn't get the best of me.

I shivered next to Niall, who still remained shirtless.

"Thanks" I whisper so only he could hear.

He turned to me and smiled.

"Your welcome" I quickly pecked him on the cheek.

"You were really brave" I returned the smile.

His cheeks turned a slight shade of rosy pink as he remained looking at me.

"Anything for you Jaylie" he said.

Everyone made it to their cars which were parked orderly and close together.

"I'll take Jaylie home" Niall said directing me to his car.

"Ok see you there" Perrie faintly smiled.

Niall opened the door for me and I slid into the passenger seat. I watched him walk around and enter the car as well.

"Im glad you're ok!" he says

"Me too" I said meaning every syllable. "Niall......... can I tell you something?

"Yeah of course" his Irish accent standing out.

His car was still in the parking lot. Everyone had left minutes ago. He sat and turned slightly to get my full attention.

"I didnt slip into the river..." I started cautiously.

"What????" He said astonished.

"I jumped in..." I continued

"You could've died!" He said raising his voice.

"I know" I peeped, avoiding his blaring eyes. He sat silently and urged me to continue.

"And the whole story of me running off..... yeah that wasn't true." I told him the whole story, from Harry singing to him pushing me down the hill. His eyes getting wider after each word left my mouth.

"But you can't do anything to Harry. I don't want him to know I told you."

"Why not" astonishment now replaced with confusion.

"I understand where he's coming from"

"Alright fine"

"Thank you" I smiled assuringly.

He pulled the car out of park and drove home. His knuckles turned white from clenching the steering wheel too tight.

We arrived to the house late. Everyone else's cars were parked in the driveway and garage. As soon as we entered, we saw a flustered, worried Perrie pacing the floor.

"Where have you guys been?" she interrogated as her eyes landed upon us.

"Relax... we just got some gas for the car." Niall said winking at me, his joking manor resurfacing.

"You could've called... After everything thats happened, you had me worried sick." she recollected herself and turned to me. "I need to speak with you."

"Ok" I said quietly.

And with that I followed her into my room. I shut the door behind me and locked it.

I quickly changed from my wet clothes into a robe in my closet. Not feeling very comfortable in front of Perrie.

She sat down in the middle of my bed and patted the seat next to her.

I slowly walked over and sat cross legged facing Perrie.

"Your a very bad liar, you know?" she said raising a perfectly waxed eyebrow.

"How so?" I questioned, afraid of what was coming.

"Your whole 'I slipped' thing, I didnt buy it" she said laughing, trying to lighten the mood.

I sat and giggled along with her, hoping she wouldn't continue. But she did.....

"So what really happened?" she said now serious..

"Well....." I was interrupted by a knock on my door.

Perrie got up before me and opened the door slightly to see who it was.

"Harry what do you want?" she said in a hushed tone.

"I need to talk to Jaylie" I heard him say.

"I don't think that's a good idea!" she said her voice getting slightly louder.

"Just five minutes" he pleaded.

"One minute" she said

"Four" he bargained

"Two" she bit back


"One" she counted down

"Fine" he said, and she slipped passed him.

Perrie...... Did she really just leave me alone with Harry????

He walked in and locked the door behind him. He came and sat next to me on the bed. Out of instinct I jumped up and ran the farthest away from him.

He chuckled slightly and opened his mouth to speak..

"Why did you lie?" he spoke.

"I....I..." I stammered, too scared to speak.

"You what?" he pushed.

"I don't know" I said honestly.

"Here I was thinking your a tattle tale... Well I guess I was wrong" he looked over in my direction.

"Guess so" I spoke barely above a whisper. "What do you want?"

"I just wanted to say, you can stay here.. But you'd better leave me the fuck alone"

"Sure as hell that's not going to be a problem!" I spoke a little louder.

"Better not be" he hissed getting up and walking out the door passing Perrie who had come back.

"What was that all about?" she asked.

I kept my gaze down and sank to the floor.

Who knew being hated could feel so bad?

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