Chapter 33

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Jaylies POV

I exited his room, disappointed it had to end so soon. I dont know where it was going but I dont know if I could've stopped. I hate how he has this power over me, it completley unfair.

I started my way down the hallway, when I heard Harry's door open and his figure close behind me. He touched my thigh and then walk past me. I almost smacked his hand but I realized he slipped something in my pocket. I take a sharp turn to the bathroom to see what it was.

It turned out to be a note... which read in his scrawny handwriting:


The beach 11:15 tonight, I want to show you something.


Honestly I was scared, it could mean anything... Should I go? No I shouldnt what if I'm just another one of those girls who swoons over Harry, and ends up in his bed. I will NOT be one of those girls. But he could be something else....

I dont know if I should go or not...n

I carefully fold up the note and put it back in my pocket and continue my journey down the stairs. I reach the end to see everyone standing by the door impatiently.

"Sorry" I frown.

"It's fine... we're all here so lets get going" Liam tries to say as enthusiastically as he can. I mean I guess no man wants to go to the mall and spend money. We all pile into two cars. I ride with Liam, Sophia, Perrie and Zayn, while the rest go in a different car.

"What phone do you recommend?" I say trying to start a conversation.

"I would say the Iphone 5S" Perrie suggest. The rest mumbles or shakes there head in agreement.

"Ok then.. And I promise I will pay you back every penny" I say feeling bad they spent all this money on me.

"You really dont have to do that... You're our friend. We dont mind. Right guys" Sophia said nudging Liam who quickly shook his head.

"I will"

"Theres no guarantee we will take it." I stop talking to avoid an argument.

What they don't know about me is I have kept every single receipt for everything they have bought for me in a locked desk drawer, along with newspapers with opening jobs. I will pay them back!

We arrive at the mall no later than 10 minutes from when we left. The parking lot was packed with hundreds of shiny cars. We had to park all the way in the back. But I didn't mind the walk.

The other party meets up with us in the food court. Niall and Harry quick to be by my side. hmmm....... weird.

Before we decide to go shopping, we all get some food. Everyone but Niall, Harry, and I wanted Chinese food. I decided on the traditional pizza, as did the other guys. We file into a line without saying a word. I look around at my choices when a sign catches my eye.... NOW HIRING!

This is my lucky day! I decided on a normal slice of cheese pizza (which in fact were huge)! and set down my tray along with the group.

"I have to go get some napkins" I say excusing myself and walk back to the pizza stand.

"Excuse me" I say to a man with his back turned. He had ginger hair along with a matching beard.

"Hi how can I help you?" he says with an eager smile.

"I see your hiring" I say, more a question than an statement.

"And you want to apply for the job???" he says excitedly.

"yes" I say drinking in some of his excitement.

"Finally!" he shouts "When can you start training?"

"Whenever you need me to?" I reply.

"How about tomorrow at 6:30 am?" he asks

"Perfect" I start to walk away but halt on my heels and turn back around. "Dont I need experience and a background check or something?"

"Usually yes, but I have been so desperate lately" he says glumly.

"ok I wont let you down...." I say hoping he will fill in the blank.

"Ed" he answers putting his hand out.

"Jaylie" I return and stick my hand out and shake his hand. After a hearty handshake I grab napkins and return to the table. Everyone was almost done with their food.

"What took so long?" Alex questions.

"Nothing, I was just talking to the pizza guy" I say throwing a shrug of my shoulders.

I start on my pizza, soon I find out I cant finish it, I barely even ate half. Niall gladly took it along with his own and finished it for me. We throw away our trash and head to the Verizon store.

The guys stayed and set up my new phone while us girls went into the Victoria Secret store next door. Apparently this is their favorite place at the mall.

"So how was your date with Harry?" Perrie whispers when we were alone looking at lace bras.

I scoff and say "Date... no I just went for a run"

"Please Jaylie, everyone may believe your little sorry but I dont. Harry doesn't go and visit his friends often, and it just happened to be the same time you were out. Im not stupid" she concludes.

"It wasnt a date. He took me to a cave and we had mac n cheese,  not a big deal" I say as chill as I can be. But my hands start to sweat and shake.

"Mmk" she said with a smirk.

"Can I ask you something? I ponder.

"Yeah sure" she replies setting her full attention on me.

"I dont know what to do... Harry told me about his past and his mum and then we ended up making out. Then when you guys called for us he slipped a note in my pocket." I say pulling it out to show her.

She quickly reads it and her eyes widen.

"What should I do?"

"Look honey" she starts carefully "Harry has given this note to every girl he wants in bed. Im sorry babe, he just wants to use your fabulous body and then dump you to the curb."

"How do you know... what if he isn't trying to..." I stop afraid to continue.

"I've seen it soooo many times. He asks them to come to the beach, gives them roses, and takes you on a short "romantic walk", while on the walk he compliments you... A ton. Then the girls swoon and end up a one night stand."

"I dont think he will" I say trying to convince myself.

"I wont say I told you so" she replies...


I will try and do a double update tomorrow.

sorry for the long wait alot of shit has been going on... sorry..

Vote comment and enjoy


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