Chapter 19

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Jaylies POV

Niall and I had stayed in the kitchen. He started inching his way towards me. Like he was going to kiss me.

I jumped off quickly and gently so he wouldn't notice. I grabbed my cup of coffee which was still warm... thank goodness.

"You want one?" I ask him.

"Sure" he said with a smile.

"Cream and sugar?" I raise my eyebrow

"Make it how you would drink it, yeah?"

"Alright.... Prepare to be amazed." I giggle and he joins me.

I hand him my perfect concoction. I watch greedily as he takes a sip and his eyes widen.

"Do you like it?" I question

"Like it...." uh oh "I love it" he laughs

"I'm glad you love it" I continue to laugh.

"How do you make it?" he questions.

"Niall" I start. "I can't tell you... its a secret!"

"You have to" he wiggles his eyebrows.

"I can't" I smiled widely.

"Fine" he chuckled in defeat. He looked back down to his coffee, becoming serious. "You know earlier today, how you passed out"

"Mmhmm" I mumbled as I took another sip out of my mug.

"You said don't let him get me... so who is him?" he said cautiously

I froze.

I continued to drink the coffee until there was nothing left.

"I... I don't wanna talk about it" I said hoping he would leave it alone.

"Why not.... you know I'm here for you?" he reached for my hand.

"Its just a stupid nightmare." I look away from his deep blue eyes.

He stayed silent urging me to continue.

I huffed.

"When I was younger I would go to the park and swing. And every time I would go there the same man would be there as well. And every day he would get closer and it got to the point where he would push me. And every time I would run away. One day he tried to take me, but my dad came with me that day. Luckily, he was there to save me. Ever since I had nightmares of what would happen if my dad wasn't there."

"Im so sorry" he said as he got up and hugged me...

"Thanks" I replied... He bought it...

All of it was a lie.....

"I'm going to go back to bed what about you?" he asked pulling out of the hug.

"I think I'll have another cup... goodnight"

"Goodnight Jaylie, you should get some sleep" he smiled faintly and retired to his bedroom.

"I will" another lie

Harrys POV

I couldn't sleep tonight... So I did what I always did.... drink coffee.

I sloppily went down the stairs and entered the kitchen.

To my surprise Jaylie was also in the kitchen, drinking coffee.

Her baggy eyes drifted to mine.

"Why are you up?" I ask

"Niall and Alex" she shrugged her shoulders and stated simply. She looked down to my feet. As she saw my orange Lego slippers. And she began to laugh.

"Big bad boy likes legos?" she said in a high pitched baby voice.

"Fuck off" I gave her the finger.

"Geez" she glared. "Do you want a cup?"

"Yeah sure" I sat on the barstool surrounding the Island. "I make it a specific way"

"Just shut up" she stated, as she began working on another mug.

"Whatever,  don't be surprised if I spit it out?" I chuckled.

"Shhh" she said holding up her hand and she sat the mug in front of me.

I moved the mug to my lips ever so slowly to bug her.

"Just drink it or I will pour it on your face" she said irritated.

"Looks like sweet little girl isn't so sweet" I say after taking a drink.

"Ha Ha" she exaggerated.

The coffee tasted just like my mom makes..... used to make...

"Soooo... do you like it?" she asked.

"Um... yea sure" I say chugging down the rest... "I'm going to go"

I walked back to my room, leaving her clueless.

How did she....

There is something about this girl.... Something.....



Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I have been busy with homework and volleyball.

And wow almost 300 reads... You may not think that's alot... but I guess its alot for me.. I honestly never thought I would get over 10 reads

Any who........ Thanks for reading

Vote, comment, message me at bubbly99 because I have no life.

And I lied about the not alot of Authors notes.... I guess I changed my mind lol.


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