Chapter 6

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"Okay, so, they're probably going to be asking a million questions and such. Try and just ignore them," Dad started. He made Oliver and I sit on the couch in his 'LA penthouse' and he's trying to go over everything we already know.

I looked at Oliver and he looked the same way back at me.

"Dad.. we know how it goes. In case you forgot, we are the children of a famous boyband star and the niece and nephew of the others," I stated, laughing as he fidgeted.

"Yeah, yeah.. you're right. I don't know what I'm doing," he started. "I'm just really nervous about tonight. I don't want you guys getting trampled either."

"We won't eat trampled. We've done this a million times. You do your thing, I'll keep and eye on Eve," Oliver said. I looked at him.

"I don't need someone looking over me," I said, crossing my arms.

"Yeah. Okay. Oliver keep and eye on her the whole time. Got it? Everleigh, do not move out of his sight. Got it?" Dad said, raising an eyebrow. I sighed but nodded along with Oliver.

"Got it," we both said at the same time. Dad nodded and got up, going to put his shoes on.

The only reason I agreed and don't argue is because I know how Dad gets when he gets nervous.

He gets anxious, and sometimes mean which is why you just agree to what he says the first time.

He definitely gets more stern. And if he isn't, then the other guys are for him. There really is no way of winning.

"Alright. Everyone ready?" Dad asked, rubbing his hands together. We all nodded and stood around him.

"Alright. You're going to do fine, okay? We'll all be right there by your side. Don't stress," I said, placing my hands on his shoulders. He nodded and kissed my forehead.

"Let's get going?" Uncle Louis suggested. We all agreed and made our way down to the limo.

How fancy, right?

There were fans crowding up the way to the limo making it difficult. Which I mean, what else can we expect?

This happens nearly every time we go somewhere. We just want to get into the car. Geez Louise.

After many tugs, pictures, and autographs from the guys, we finally made it to the limo.

"Man, what a crowd as always," Uncle Niall said. We nodded with him.

"See, I don't think I'll ever get used to that," Uncle Louis said.

"Yeah. It's bizarre, really. Almost seven years and we still get that much of a reaction," Uncle Liam said.

"We're here," the driver said from up front.

"Okay. Remember what I told you two, got it?" Dad asked, looking at Oliver and I.

"Yes, Dad. We got it," I said, starting to get annoyed.

I know he only wants to make sure we're okay and not going to get hurt, but it's still annoying.

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