Chapter 29

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"It's me, baby. You're okay," I said, trying to soothe her. She raised her arm, pointing behind me and shaking.

I slowly turned around and saw Logan, I assume, there with a baseball bat in hand.

He swung the bat, aiming for my head, and the last thing I heard was Everleigh's scream and his twisted words.

"Night, night."


Eve's POV

"What do you want from us?!" I screamed at Logan, kneeling next to Dad and placing my hand on him. I checked his pulse and nodded to myself as it was still steady.

"I don't want anything anymore. I just like to see you in pain," he said, smirking and walking over to me.

He grabbed my hands and tried to tie the rope back around them. I thrashed around, pulling my hands and kicking him.

He swung his arm and knocked me upside the head. But I didn't stop. My father took a hit - a big hit - for me, and I wasn't going to let Logan get away with that.

"Leave me alone!" I yelled, kicking him right in the balls. He fell to the ground in pain and I found myself smiling softly at this.

Bastard deserves it.

I jumped up to my feet, grabbing the wall a bit to balance myself, and walked closer to my Dad. My eyes widened and I bent down, grasping on the bat and turning to face Logan.

His eyes were screwed shut and he was holding on to his special jewels that I could cut off just about now.

I pulled the bat up and swung it down at his ribs. He screamed out and clutched them. I chuckled. Wherever his hands move, he gets struck where they were previously.

I raised the bat, ready to strike his jewels. Just as I was swinging, a hand grabbed the bat and threw it across the room.

The person pulled me to their chest and hugged me. I screamed, thrashing in their arms as they held me.

"Shh, it's okay. It's me, love. It's Uncle Liam. I've got you," Uncle Liam said, rubbing the back of my head and patting down my hair.

I sobbed in his chest and watched as Uncle Louis, Uncle Zayn, and Uncle Niall come in and run to Logan.

They grabbed the rope and tied his wrists behind his back. They grabbed his arms, roughly lifting him up and glaring at him.

"You deserve everything that will happen to you," Uncle Louis growled. He threw a punch to his gut and watched Logan bend over in pain. "You deserve to rot. And that's what you'll do in jail."

They took him out of the room and Uncle Zayn stayed back to look at Dad.

"Alright, we're going to get you two out of here. Sound good, lovely?" Uncle Zayn asked. I nodded, sniffing and leaning on Uncle Liam. I closed my eyes and softly felt the tears stream down my face.

I felt Uncle Liam place his hand behind my legs and lift me in a bridle position, carrying me out as Uncle Zayn carried Dad.

"You're safe now," Uncle Liam mumbled. I nodded, and felt myself drift to sleep.


"She has many bruises and cuts. Though from what we see, there is not enough damage to create internal bleeding or anything serious," I heard someone speak.

I groaned and heard shifting. My eyes opened and I saw myself in a room, in a bed, with wires connected to me.

I shot up and grabbed the wires. I hand snatched mine and pulled it back. I flinched, looking up and seeing Uncle Louis there.

"Hey, love," he said. I pushed my lips and looked around, seeing everyone surrounding me but my father.

"Where's Dad?" I mumbled, rubbing my eyes and glancing at them. They furrowed their eyebrows and Uncle Liam cuffed his ear. I sighed. "Where's Dad?"

"He's in a room down the hall. They're checking him out," Uncle Liam said.

"I want to see him," I mumbled, tearing the covers off of me and trying to get up. Uncle Louis pushed me down and shook his head.

"You can't see him just yet. We need to get you healed first," he said. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

I tried to pull at the wires again but Uncle Louis kept my hand in his grip and gave a small smack to it as if I were a small child.

I flinched and glared at him. He shrugged. "You can't try to pull those out."

"I want to see Dad," I firmly stated. They sighed.

"And we told you that you can't just yet. As soon as you're able to, we will bring you to him," Uncle Louis said.

"No!" I yelled, making everyone jump. "I want to see him now, damn it! So help me God if none of you bring me to him I will rip these out and see him myself."

It was silent and I saw Uncle Louis sigh. He looked towards the doctor and raised his eyebrows.

"I will get the nurses to set up a double room for you two. As soon as that's ready, we will have you moved over," the doctor said. I nodded and sat back as he left the room.

"How is Dad?" I asked.

"He's alright. He has a small concussion but that should heal soon. The bat struck him but didn't strike him hard enough for a big concussion." Uncle Liam said. I nodded and sighed.

This is all my fault. I was trying to protect my family, but I only ended up hurting them. If I would have just told Dad, we wouldn't be in this position.

If I would've ignored Logan and blocked him from messaging me, we wouldn't be here right now.

If only I would have done one thing different, everything would be different.

Why am I such and idiot?


Hello hello

How are you?

I'm on my way homeeeee

I'm so exhausted though.

I'm sorry for the no update, as well as the April fools joke hahahaha

I got you! Hahahaha

Comment any ideas!

Thank you all





~All the love, G xx

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