Chapter 26

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I sighed, pulling my hoodie on and my boots. I opened my bedroom door and looked down the hall. All the lights were off and I nodded in relief.

I closed my door, locking it, and going towards my window. Slowly, I opened my window and swung my legs over the edge. I looked down and groaned.

Unlike most fantasies or books or movies, I had no tree to climb down. I was so out of luck. I held my breath and slowly started to push myself off of my window.

"Here we go," I mumbled to myself. I pushed off and landed on the ground. "Ow, ow, ow." Okay. That hurt. Never do that. But wait.. how am I going to get back up? "I'm such an idiot."

I didn't think about that. Man..

I shrugged and started making my way towards the park. It was about 11.45 and it didn't take too long to walk to the park.

When I arrived at the park, I made my way towards a bench. I stopped in my tracks when I saw someone there already.

"Everleigh. Hey," he said. He stood up and walked over to me.

"Hi," I said, crossing my arms. Logan chuckled and crossed his as well. "Why did you bring me here?"

"I wanted to see you," he said, uncrossing his arms and putting his hands on my arms. I narrowed my eyes and tried to shrug him off.

"Honestly, Logan. Cut the shit. What do you want? Why did you do that to my brother?" I asked, stepping away from him and watching his arms fall.

"Because. You didn't listen to me. I warned you that if you didn't listen there would be consequences," he said. I sighed.

"Whatever," I said, shaking my head and starting to walk away.

"Well, hold on," Logan said, grabbing my upper arm and turning me back around. "Did I say you could leave?"

"Did I ask?" I furrowed my eyebrows and tilted my head. He chuckled.

"You probably should've. You're a smart girl Everleigh. But right now, you're an idiot."

"I could say the same for you. Although, you've always been an idiot. Nowhere near smart," I smirked. His eyes grew dark and he clenched his fists. "Am I making you angry?"

"No, baby. A bit turned on, but never angry," he said, smiling sickly at me.

"You're disgusting," I spat, crinkling my nose as if I smelt something awful. Which I did.

His personality.

He chuckled and cupped my face in his hands. "I've never been clean." I watched as he leaned in and placed his lips on mine. My eyes widened and I pushed him away after a second of struggling.

I raised my hand and laid a hard smack right across his cheek. His mouth fell open and his eyes grew with anger. "How stupid." He smirked. He brought his hand up and smacked me ten times harder.

I gasped and held my cheek in pain. I guess I am an idiot to think I could beat a guy who won't leave me alone.

"Maybe you'll learn eventually," Logan said, shaking his head.

"Everleigh?" My head whipped around and I saw Noah walking towards us. My eyes widened and I looked at Logan.

"Who's that?" Logan asked. I sighed. "Who is that?"

"My boyfriend.." I mumbled. He chuckled.

"Guess he won't be seeing you for awhile," Logan said.

"What do you-" Next thing I know, Logan has me over his shoulder and is running towards I car.

"Noah!" I screamed, hoping he would catch up and help me. Logan opened the backseat door and shoved my in along with himself.

"Drive!" Logan yelled. I started frantically throwing my arms and legs everywhere to get this creep away from me. I felt his fist come down on my stomach and that immediately made me stop. "Knock it off."

Kill me now.


Noah's POV

Shit. Shit. Shit.

Who the fuck was that?

Why was she with him?

Is she cheating on me?

I wouldn't be surprised since she hasn't contacted me in awhile. I shook my head and ran back to my car.

Whether she was cheating on me or not, she just got kidnapped. Fuck.

I pressed the gas petal and raced to her house down the street. I came here to tag another wall, but then I ran into them.

I knew it was her because she was wearing my hoodie I snuck to her not too long ago.

I got out of the car and ran to their house door. I pressed the doorbell button a million times before I saw the light flick on.

The door opened and Uncle Harry came in view. A white shirt and pajama pants loosely hung on him as he rubbed his eyes and furrowed his eyebrows.

"What the fuck, Noah?" He asked, leaning in the doorframe and crossing his arms. "Why are you here at almost one in the morning? And why are you ringing my doorbell a million times?"

"It's Everleigh," I stated. He straightened up and motioned for me to continue. "She just got kidnapped."

"What do you fucking mean, Noah? If this is some sick prank, I won't hesitate to throw you off my roof," he threatened. I shook my head.

Any other day, I would've laughed at that. But not right now.

"Check her room," I said. He ran up the stairs and made his way to her room with me following.

He knocked on the door and nobody answered. He turned the knob and I guess it was locked because it wouldn't open. I watched as he started to get angry and bang on the door.

"What's going on, mate?" I watched as Uncle Liam came out of his room and looked towards us.

Uncle Harry ignored him and ran his hand above the door. He pulled a key down and put it in the door.

"Don't tell Eve I have that," he mumbled to me. He pushed the door open and stared at the empty room with a wide open window.




How're you?

I'm leaving for Florida on Wednesday and I am so excited!!

Anybody from Florida? Maybe we could meet:) lol

Comment any ideas you have!

This is sorta dedicated to three people. I'm combining all of your ideas lol




Thank you allll





~All the love,G xx

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