Chapter 27

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Harry's POV

"How do you know she was kidnapped?" I asked, driving 20 over the speed limit to the park.

"I was at the park and I saw her there with some guy. I said her name and just as I did, the guy grabbed her and ran to a car. Then they drove off, and she was gone," Noah said, leaning his head against the window.

"So, she snuck out?" I asked, shaking my head. I can't believe she would do that. "I raised her better than that."

"She knows that too. Something about that guy was off," Noah started, sighing. He probably thinks this is all his fault. "Everleigh doesn't hang with a crowd like that."

"I know," I said, looking out my window as we pulled around the park. "Why do you think she was with him, then?"

"I honestly have no clue. But for whatever reason, I'm sure it's a good one," he said. I nodded.

It better be.


"Two weeks, Liam! It's been two fucking weeks and the cops have done nothing!" I screamed, grabbing the nearest vase we had and smashing it to the ground.

"Mate... we know. We all miss her and are worried about her. We need to keep calm, and let the police do their job," Liam said. I shook my head.

"If we let the police do their job, she'll never come home. Someone goes missing, they look in to it for a week, and then say, 'oh, we haven't found and traces of her. Sorry guys' and walk away. That not fucking happening," I firmly stated.

If Liam thinks for one second that I'm going to let my daughter be in the hands of a stranger for weeks upon weeks, he has another thing coming for him.

"We know, mate, we know. Why don't we go try and find her?" Louis asked. I clenched my jaw and nodded my head.

At least someone wants to find her.

We walked towards my car and got in, Louis in the drivers seat since I was in no condition to drive.

"Where do you think she is?" I asked, tears welling up in my eyes. Louis sighed, placing his hand on my shoulder while driving.

"I'm not sure. But we'll find her," he said. "Eve's a strong girl. You taught her how to defend herself. She never puts down a fight either. We'll get her back."

I placed my head in my hands and started to cry. I can't lose her. Losing a daughter would be the end of me.

Usually when you see kidnapping stories, they either keep them for ten plus years, or they kill them.

Neither of those are going to be okay on my watch. I'll kill the fucking bastard who took her.

"She was taken at the park, correct?" Louis asked. I nodded.

"Yeah. And Noah said they drive that way," I said, pointing down the road they drove. We started driving that way and looked around.

After about an hour, I sighed. This is a lot harder than I thought it would be.

"Why don't we look for clues at the park?" Louis asked. I nodded and we made our way back to the park.

We got out of the car and started to walk around while looking on the ground.

Something cracked under my foot and I looked down to see that familiar phone case with a picture of the whole family on it. It was a customized case she wanted for Christmas. She said she wanted to carry a photo of all of us together everywhere she went but she never carried a purse.

So I made her a phone case.

I gasped, picking up the phone. It must have fell when the bastard snatched her.

"Lou!" I yelled. He ran over to me and looked at what I held. I turned it on and saw she still had some battery left.

How in the world-

Not important.

"She must have dropped it," he said. I nodded. "Do you know her password?"

"Course," I said, unlocking her phone. "I told her that the only way she was getting a phone was if I knew every one of her passwords."

"That's a bit strict, you think?" Louis asked, laughing at me. I shrugged.

"Comes in handy," I said. He nodded and we walked back to the car.

We got in and I unlocked her phone. I started going through all of her messages, all her snapchats, everything on Instagram, and now all that's left is Twitter.

If there is nothing on Twitter, then I truly don't know what else to do. This bastard had to have reached her somehow.

But how?

"She's going to be pissed when she finds out you went through her messages," Louis said, chuckling and driving home.

"Yeah, well she's going to be even more pissed when I start doing it every week," I growled, glaring down at the phone.

"What do you mean?" He asked. I clenched the phone tighter in my hand and I thought it was going to break.

"Some guy has been messaging her, threatening her," I said, reading the messages one by one.

"What's he saying?" Louis asked.

I came to the end of the messages and threw the phone in the floor of the car while tugging at my hair. "Fuck!"

"What is it?" Louis asked.

"This creep has been repeatedly messaging her, threatening her to meet with him. He said if she didn't, something would happen," I growled, my whole body twitching. "A-And... not only did she get fucking kidnapped, that bastard is the one who broke one of Olivers bones! It's that sick bastard!"

"Alright, alright. Calm down some," he said. I laughed. 'Calm down', right. "How about we go to the coach of the other team and ask about him?"

"How are we supposed to ask about him? What are we going to say, 'which one of your players broke my sons ankle'? That won't work," I said.

"Why don't we ask Oliver if he remembers the boys-" I glared at him and Louis chuckled. "The bastards, sorry, jersey number?"

"That's a good idea... let's go."


Hi hi

What's up?

How're you?

The next chapter should come smoothly like this one

I'm not going to drag this kidnapping on because sometimes it gets boring when it's thirty chapters of just the kidnapping.

Give me some ideas!

Thank you all!





~All the love, G xx

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