Chapter 19

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*Flashback in Zayn's POV*

"Harry.. just stop.." Amelia said with tears streaming down her face. I watched from behind the corner as Harry ran a hand through his hair.

"Why? It's not like you do shit for our kids anyways," Harry started. "You're an awful mother, you know?"

"I am not! I take care of those kids more than myself!" Amelia yelled. And she was right. Amelia is weak and vulnerable because she puts so much effort into her children.

"Maybe you're right. You're a good mother, Amelia," Harry said, nodding his head. "I just hope they don't end up like you. An alcoholic."

Amelia let out a sob and put her hands in front of her face. She frantically wiped her tears away but it was no use.

"You drove me there, Harry! It's all your fault why I'm like this!" She yelled. And it was true. Harry mentally abused her for years and it took a toll on her.

"Right. Or maybe it's the fact that your children will never love you. Or because you're an awful mother. What child wants to walk around saying how their mother is an alcoholic? Get help." Harry spat.

This is absolutely ridiculous. Harry is the biggest asshole I have ever met when he's mad.

I came from around the corner and stood next to Amelia as Harry kept saying horrible things.

"You need to stop," I said, pulling Amelia towards me.

"Why? Maybe she'll learn," Harry said. I shook my head.

"You're mentally abusing her. You have been since you had Eve. I've watched it every night and I'm tired of it," I said, guiding Amelia up the stairs and to her room.

"Why does he do this?" She asked, her hands shaking as I pulled her in for a hug. I sighed.

"I don't know, Amelia. You can't put up with this anymore. You need to get out of here," I said, looking at her. Tears welled up in her eyes again and she shook her head.

"What about Eve? Oli? I can't leave them," she said. I sighed.

"That's the only thing keeping you here. We can try visits. I can bring them to the park ever other day and we can meet there," I said. She nodded.

"That sounds like a good idea. They don't need me anyways. I'm a shit mother," she sobbed, burying her head in my chest. I shook my head and rubbed her back soothingly.

"You're not. You truly are a great mother. I'll call a place and get you help for your drinking, okay? I'll let you know the details," I said. She nodded and pulled away.

"Mummy?" We looked towards the door and saw Eve standing there with her teddy. Eve was only two at the moment and she didn't quite understand much.

"Come here, babes," I said, waving her over. She ran over and stood between my crouched legs. "Mummy has to go for some time. But you'll see here soon."

"No! Mummy you can't leave me!" Eve yelled, barreling into her mother's arms and hugging her. Amelia let out a cry and held Eve tightly.

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