Chapter 40

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"Everleigh?" I slowly raised my head from my pillow to see Uncle Louis poking his head in my door.

"What?" I groaned, placing my head back on my pillow. I heard the door close and then a hand smoothing my hair back.

"You've got to get up. We're leaving today," he said, tucking hair behind my ear. I felt him sit on the bed as the bed dipped down with his weight.

"I've been up. Haven't slept since Monday," I whispered. It was now Friday and time to go home.

I haven't left my room this whole week unless I was forced to. When I was forced, it wasn't fun. I would literally fight anybody who came in trying to make me leave my room to join them for dinner.

That was until Dad threatened to extend the punishment and make it worse.

That's basically the only time I would leave my room. When we had dinner, I would be sat between Dad and Oliver, with Noah on the completely opposite side. I wouldn't even be able to see him without leaning forward and making it obvious I was looking at him.

"I'm sorry, love. This will all get better soon," Uncle Louis said. I shrugged.

"How can you be so sure?" I asked, turning my head on the side to glance at him.

His fingers kept gliding through my hair and he let out a sigh while saying, "I just know it."

"You don't think it's wrong, do you?" I asked. He shook his head at me.

"I believe you two aren't cousins. If you were to grow up together, that would be different. You just met him several months ago. You didn't know him till recently," he said. I let out a sigh and nodded.

"At least you're on my side. Nobody else seems to realize that," I muttered.

"I know. Let's get moving though before your Dad becomes impatient," he said, standing up and walking out of the room.

I stood up and began to get changed, shoving everything in my suitcase that I forgot last night. I put on a tank top and went to Uncle Louis' room.

"Mind if I wear one of your hoodies?" I asked, rubbing my eyes. He nodded and chucked a hoodie towards me. I gave a small thanks and put it on over my head, examining it. It was a dark blue hoodie with the word, 'AMSTERDAM' across it. I quite like it and will keep it.

I grabbed my suitcase out of my room and went to the living room to sit and wait for everybody else. The sun was nowhere in sight as it was super wale in the morning.

I heard wheels rolling down the hallway and looked over to be met with Noah's eyes.

"Eve," he said, placing his suitcase in a standing position and walking over to me. I stood up and stared into his eyes as he stood in front of me.

"Noah..." I breathed. It may seem cliche or pathetic, but I have missed him. It's been four days - the hardest four days from being away from him even if he was down the hall.

I stepped forward and wrapped my arms around his waist. His arms circle around me and we stood there hugging. I felt his lips press to my forehead.

This is what I've needed.

"Enough," a voice boomed through the living room. I jumped away from Noah and looked towards Dad. His eyebrows were furrowed down and he was glaring intensively at us. He crossed his arms and said, "Everleigh go wait by the car. Now."


"I will not repeat myself. You have five seconds," he firmly threatened. I rolled my and looked at Noah, smirking. I leaned up and gave him a big kiss on the cheek and smiled at him. "Everleigh Anne!"

I sent Dad a smirk and pranced out to the car. Making Dad mad has been an accomplishment. I should do it more often.

Maybe I'll make him so mad that he'll be forced to let Noah and I happen because he sees I'll rebel.

Not too long after, everybody piled in the car. Dad sat next to me while I sat by the door. Noah was upfront and everybody else was around.

They are really trying hard to keep us apart.

When we got to the airport, we got on our private jet and relaxed in the leather seat.

They reclined back and were so comfortable.

I watched as Dad trailed over to the mini bar and started to make himself a drink. My eyebrows furrowed and I got up to stand in front of him with the bar in between us.

"What are you making?" I asked, staring at the peach colored liquid in a small glass.

"Something that will numb what you're doing to me," he huffed, taking a sip of his drink and walking away.

I glared at the marble counter in front of me and furrowed my eyebrows.

It was too early to be drinking. Hell, the sun hasn't even made an appearance yet!

I walked over to Dad and sat by him while he was reading a magazine. Such a girl.

"Isn't it too early to be drinking?" I questioned, peeking over his shoulder and at the drink in his hands.

"It's never too early when you do things that piss me off," he stated, drinking his drink. I frowned.

"You still shouldn't be drinking. Especially not on an empty stomach," I said, crossing my arms and glaring at him.

He placed his drink down on the side table and faced me, crossing his arms over his chest as well.

"You shouldn't be doing things you're not supposed to," he said, picking his drink back up and drinking it. "And until then, I'll have these every hour."


What's up?

How's it going?

I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Dedication toooooo:

Thank you for the idea that will be coming up in the next few chapters!

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Thank you for the idea that will be coming up in the next few chapters!

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I love putting in your inputs.

Thank you!





~All the love, G xx

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