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'When is he going to wake up?' The youngest, Hyuk asked.

'Why isn't he waking up? What if-'

'Shut it, Hongbin. This isn't the time to say things like that.' Jaehwan scolded the boy.

'Sorry, hyung... but it's been more than a week! Why hasn't Hakyeon-hyung awaken yet?' Hongbin almost cried out. He couldn't sit still for more than a minute without fidgeting with his hands due to his worries. He watched as his hyung lay still on the hospital bed, without a single sign of even waking up.

'Even the doctors can't explain why Hakyeon-hyung hasn't waken up yet. It's like... he doesn't want to wake up or something.' Wonshik said and immediately took a deep swallow as if he was afraid of such a possibility.

'Hyung, what do you think? Aren't you worried for Hakyeon-hyung as well? How can you stay quiet like this? Aren't the two of you friends?' Hyuk turned around to ask Taekwoon, who was simply leaning on the wall and watching the younger ones talk amongst themselves around Hakyeon's bed.

Taekwoon was quiet. As per usual. He was feeling moody and tired.

He's been busy with his own individual schedules even before Hakyeon's incident and now, he feels even more tired having to make his way to visit the leader with the rest of the members. He hasn't slept much nor has he had his meals regularly.

Taekwoon knew that he was not in the mood to say anything and if he did, it would definitely not sound pleasant. Instead, he chose to leave the room leaving the other four who remained inside.

'Dammit! Does he not care or what?!' Hongbin yelled loud enough for Taekwoon to hear. He's frustrated with Taekwoon's indifferent attitude towards Hakyeon even after witnessing their leader faint.

'They may be born during the same year but they're complete bipolar opposites. Taekwoon-hyung is really different from Hakyeon-hyung. We all know that Hakyeon-hyung can be a bit too affection at times but that's also his good side. A way to show others he cares for them. Seeing Taekwoon-hyung act like this, as if he could care less is a bit irritating,' Hyuk sighed.

'I'm sure Taekwoon cares just as much as we do. Let's not jump to conclusions just yet okay? We're all tired and you guys all have individual schedules as well. Let's give all of us some rest and Hakyeon-hyung some room. We'll come back another day okay?' Wonshik suggested.

'I agree. Com'on kids, let's go before it gets too late.' Jaehwan rushed the younger ones out of the room and took a final glance at Hakyeon.

'Please wake up soon hyung. We all miss having you around.' Jaehwan said as he gently closed the door behind him.


It's not like Taekwoon didn't care about Hakyeon at all.

He just didn't know how to express it.

He isn't like Hakyeon. Taekwoon is Taekwoon.

Taekwoon isn't the type to hold on to anyone. Rather, he's the type to easily let go and never look back.

'Are you okay? Are you getting enough sleep? You should really take a nap. I can wake you up when we arrive at the venue okay?' His manager suggested.

'I'm fine.'

'Whatever you say but we don't want you to collapse like Hakyeon did.' His manager sighed.

It's been almost two weeks since Hakyeon fainted and still, he has yet to show any signs of waking up.

Why are you not waking up? Taekwoon asked as he stared out into the rainy sky that day through the tinted window of the van.

The doctors had neither cure nor treatment for Hakyeon's situation and eventually the agency had to cancel all of Hakyeon's remaining schedules until further notice. The press and the fans were in an uproar. All shocked by the sudden news.

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