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Taekwoon was struck by Hakyeon's sudden confession and didn't know how to respond. It was just too sudden that Taekwoon wasn't mentally prepared for it at all.

Hakyeon told Taekwoon that it was all right for him not to respond. After all, it must be weird for them to be together. They are both men and members of the same group on top of that.

Taekwoon really thought that silence was the answer. Everything seemed as if it were normal again and Hakyeon would still cling onto him whenever he pleased. The only change was that Taekwoon noticed the red cheeks on Hakyeon afterwards.

The apple red cheeks Hakyeon tries to hide away from Taekwoon each time they touched, actually made Taekwoon think the other was rather cute for once. It even brought a smile to Taekwoon when he least expected it.


Taekwoon started to pay more attention to Hakyeon's needs and gave him the attention the other wanted. Though Taekwoon still did not answer to Hakyeon's confession, both were content with the situation they were in. It was comfortable and relaxing for the two of them and Hakyeon never asked for more.

Until one day, Taekwoon overhead a conversation between some of their staffs at the company.

'You don't think they're going out do you?' One of them whispered to the other.

'Going out? But they're both men! Wouldn't that make them gay?' The other was in shock.


'You don't think they're actually gay do you?'

'I hope not,' the other sighed, 'They're just so close... physically.'

'They're just really good friends right?'

'But to be all over each other like that? The skinship and even holding hands when they're not in front of the camera for fan-service? Do you notice the way they look at one another? It's just so... suspicious.'

'I wish they realize where they are. If it's true, it's going to be a problem. They're idols after all. They need to be more aware especially when we have paparazzi sneaking around the company so often now. If they get caught... it'll really hurt them.'

Idols? Who are they talking about? Us? We're the only group in this company...

Taekwoon became worried and started to be more cautious around his members. He had almost forgotten that unlike some of the countries overseas, their own country was still very close-minded and hard to accept same-sex relationships. Being gay in their country was rather frowned upon and those that were in a same-sex relationship often had to hide from the public eye.

Taekwoon couldn't help but become concern that even a single rumor about their group being in a relationship with one another would harm their reputations.

That's why, Taekwoon knew he had to stop being too physically close with any of his members. He even tried to break apart his members who were rather close with one another especially Wonshik and Jaehwan who clung onto one another a lot. Hakyeon who is always affection to people around him also had rumors going around, rumors that questioned his sexual orientation. If the public knew that Hakyeon had confessed to Taekwoon already, who knows what might happen. Taekwoon eventually looked through secret fan forums in order to see what others were saying about his group and his members. The things people were saying inside those forums, Taekwoon wish he could just erase and delete them all.

Taekwoon tried his best to push Hakyeon away from being too close without hurting the other's feelings. But Hakyeon did not realize what Taekwoon was doing and instead, he only came closer. That's when Taekwoon accidently snapped.

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