The Past

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'Here you go. Please have some of this lavender tea we brewed for you, savior.' The Father offered him.

'Um, savior is a bit too much. Please just call me Hakyeon,' he told the elder.

'Hakyeon? Where have I heard such a familiar name before...'

'It's a common name,' Hakyeon told the man knowing exactly why his name might sound familiar. 'So, can you tell me more about how this town was saved from the darkness?'

'It is quite a long story. It happened more than centuries ago. Our town, well... it's a rather small but lively and familiar little place. We never had an actual governor and even when we did, it never really worked out for us since the beginning. Everyone around here is just like one large family so we facilitate ourselves and work together to survive. We are very satisfied and as long as we are happy, we are very much content. But at the same time... that makes us rather ignorant.'

'How so?'

'Our ancestors were once told by the prophecy that darkness would soon invade our small town but we did not listen. They thought about what are the possibilities of such an unfortunate event to befall us when we hold no significance in the world at all.'


'To be exact, a group of boys who used to live here in this town. They used to help run the bakery down the street until after... well, after they sacrificed themselves for us.'

Hakyeon swallowed hard on his tea as he continued to hear of his story.

'One day, a boy came up to us with his friends to warn us of the darkness from the Underworld surfacing onto our town in order to rule the realm of mortals. He warned us multiple times but our ancestors simply thought of it as a joke. Who would ever believe in Gods or demons when we've never even encountered them before? If they existed, why haven't they ever heard of our poor men's prayers and save us from many centuries of salvation? People began to lose their faith in the so-called Gods in the end, and stories became myths. Eventually, darkness had engulfed our town and the rest of the country before we could even do anything,' the Father continued with a regretful expression from what had happened in the past even before his time.

'And?' Hakyeon grew even more intrigued to the story.

'Despite how many times the boys had warned the town, no one listened to them. We continued our lives as if such a warning never existed until one night... the moon was completely covered and darkness swallowed our town. Many of citizens were kidnapped overnight by the darkness and demons from Hell would invade our homes. We all thought we were doomed due to our ignorance and powerless selves, our ancestors regretted greatly at never listening to those boys in the first place. But, they came back for us. They saved our town and fought hard to restore the once, peaceful days.'

The Father then walked Hakyeon to the main Chapel to show him something. He handed Hakyeon a sterling silver box with metal vine-like décor wrapped around it.

'What is this?' Hakyeon asked.

'These are the two pieces of the Moon, in which were passed down by the almighty Gods in order to protect our village from the evil.' The Father opened the lock on the box in order to show the town's new savior.

'Two? But I only see one...'

'That's because these two have become one. A full moon that is too bright for the darkness to walk our lands ever again.'

'I see.'

'There is also another piece of the Gods' offering since that time as well. It is the Sun in which was given by the Heavens and now located in the northern cities to protect the upper half of the country.'

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