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A week has finally gone by.

The initial time given to the members of VIXX by Soo-ah was due.

'Good morning, Dr. Kwon,' the staff greeted her.

'Good morning.' She smiles.

As she enters the hospital, she greeted the patients and her coworkers one by one. She was making her way towards her office, the meeting place for her and the boys.

During the past week while the boys were away, she kept a close watch on the Dark Hakyeon and observed his behaviors daily. She was given by the task from the Heavens to make sure this Cha Hakyeon is kept away and bring back the original. On the other hand, she was also trying to make sure the original Hakyeon's body was protected. The members were afraid that if they didn't keep watch on the Dark Hakyeon, he might eventually try to hurt the real one's body now that he's in control. The boys left their hyung's safety in Soo-ah's hands.

Luckily, the Dark Hakyeon did not recognize Soo-ah despite the fact that they have actually passed by one another countless times in Limbo. It could be because it has been many centuries have gone by and therefore the Dark Hakyeon could care less about who this Dr. Kwon Soo-ah really is.

Giving the boys a week might have been a bit too short though, at least that's what she thought at first.

Then, as she opened her office doors, a smile appeared on her face.

Maybe a week was too long instead.

All five members were waiting for her in her office with a determined face on. There was no doubt about it, they were all prepared and they have all found their answers.

No matter how many times the members have been reborn, their fate was tied to one another's and Cha Hakyeon's. After going through so many obstacles throughout their lifetime, the six of them were inseparable.


As Taekwoon had originally planned, he decided to confront the Dark Hakyeon in person.

Even though this Hakyeon was different from the original, he still had the same face and body of the original Cha Hakyeon. Taekwoon slowly opened the door to the room.

And like always, the younger members could only watch from afar.

In the midst of the Dark Hakyeon's usual rampage, he looked at who else was coming inside to disturb him. But as soon as he saw Taekwoon's face, he dropped everything he was holding and rushed towards the latter.

'Taekwoonie!!' Hakyeon was excited and hugged him. 'It's been so long! Where were you? Why haven't you visited me lately?'

'Uh, I was back home to visit my family. Sorry.' Taekwoon lied.

He is Cha Hakyeon. No matter whether he is the light or the dark one, he is still Hakyeonie. Taekwoon told himself.

'Aw~ if only I could meet them too.' He pouted.

'Sorry, maybe next time...' Taekwoon tried to pat on the boy's head and comfort him.

Taekwoon felt strange whenever he's around the Dark Hakyeon. Rather than fear, he felt somewhat familiar with this Hakyeon as well. Could it be because they have fought one another in the distant past as Soo-ah have told them? And unlike towards the other members, this Hakyeon loved Taekwoon a lot.

As days went by, Taekwoon frequently continued his visits to Hakyeon and talk with the boy. Though it was mainly Hakyeon that did all the talking and being happy, Taekwoon felt a bit of nostalgia watching this Hakyeon in front of him.

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