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Hakyeon had long forgotten just how long it has been since he was banished into Limbo. A place between Heaven and Hell, a place where lost souls wandered aimlessly for who knows how long.

Decades? Centuries? Or even millenniums could have gone by already.

He once wanted revenge so desperately that he was willing to hurt others in order to obtain what he wanted.


He craved to feel 'alive' again. Yet, after so long where he could not even keep track of time itself, he was beginning to lose that craving.

But just as he thought he had completely forgotten, he ran into someone who reminded him once again why he was inside of Limbo in the first place.

'You!' Hakyeon jolt in surprise after running into someone familiar inside of Limbo.

The other looked like Hakyeon's love but knew immediately that they were not the same person. There's no way they were the same.

The other stared at Hakyeon silently.

'What are you doing here?!' Hakyeon shouted.

'Same thing as you, what do you think?' The other said in a sarcastic tone that irritated Hakyeon even more.

Hakyeon glared at the Dark Taekwoon once more and turned around. He tried to ignore the latter's provoking attitude in which would only make him even more angrier.

They share the same face and voice but they're nothing alike! Nothing!

But just when Hakyeon thought he got rid of the Dark Taekwoon, the other ended up following him closely from behind.

'Stop following me! Go wander somewhere else!'


Taekwoon said nothing as he continued to follow Hakyeon's every step. Unable to bear it any longer, Hakyeon turned around and stomped angrily towards Taekwoon. He grabbed the other by his collar.

'Dammit! What the hell do you want from me? Leave me alone!' Hakyeon demanded.


'Say something already!'

Taekwoon grabbed Hakyeon's wrist and pulled the boy's hands away from his shirt. He was strong and forced Hakyeon to loosen his grip. The Dark Taekwoon's grip was painful.

'Let go!' Hakyeon was struggling to get free.



'What happened to your revenge?'

'Wh-what are you talking about?'

Taekwoon leaned in forward and looked directly at Hakyeon's eyes.

'I know who you really are. Aren't you angry at them? At that fake Hakyeon? The body that was supposed to be yours in the first place yet no one even knew you ever existed.' Taekwoon said.

'How... do...' No one was supposed to have known the truth behind the so-called 'dark' Hakyeon.

Taekwoon smirked.

'That's because I've been observing you for a long time. I know everything there is to know about you and how much you really want to go back to the real world.'

Hakyeon couldn't deny it. Just hearing the words of the 'real world' shook his heart. He felt isolated for so many centuries and though he was supposed have already gotten used to the lonesome world, he realized just how much he missed his first love.

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