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'The reason why your leader disappeared was because of me...' The Dark Hakyeon revealed.

'What?!' Wonshik asked in surprise.

'He... I, I sent him this video clip...'


'Of that day during the filming when I almost injured you guys on the set.'

'What?!' Wonshik became furious at the Dark Hakyeon and charged towards him. 'Do you know how much that could have hurt Hakyeon-hyung?! Don't you know that he loves the members the most? If he saw himself hurting the others... why did you do that?!!'

Hakyeon didn't fight back at Wonshik. He felt guilty and frustrated.

'I had no choice! If I didn't do as he told me to, not only me but you guys would also get hurt! I tried to push you guys out of the way by attacking you all but you guys never got the hint and just kept persisting!'

The Dark Hakyeon's act of violence was for the sake of the members'. He hoped that by being violent and furious, that it would cause the members to back away and leave him be. That was the only way for them to be safe from whatever the Dark Taekwoon was scheming behind his back. Yet, he never thought that the members' bonds were so tight that they were willing to give up being an idol and saving their leader instead.

He also knew well that he didn't have any powers to fight against the Dark Taekwoon. One wrong move and he would also cease to exist for all eternity. Though he no longer wanted to take over Hakyeon's body, he still wanted to be alive enough to feel freedom.

'Wonshik-ah, stop. Let him go.' Jaehwan asked him.

'But hyung!'

Jaehwan shook his head. 'Let him go.'

'Tsk.' Wonshik loosened his grip on the Dark Hakyeon and turned away angrily.

'Are you telling us the truth though? When you say you don't want to take over Hakyeon-hyung's body?' Jaehwan asked.

'What's the point? Even if I take over his body, what then? It's not like you guys wouldn't resent me for it. I'm also a stranger in your world and time period. It's not the same as I am used to. You guys look the same as your previous lives but aren't the same either. Your Jung Taekwoon isn't the same as mine.' The Dark Hakyeon said.

'Then, can you help us bring back our hyung?' Hyuk asked.

'Just because I don't care to take over his body anymore, what makes you think I will help you guys?'

'Please! We really miss Hakyeon-hyung. We still have so much to say to him... please help us.' Hyuk took the Dark Hakyeon's hands while in tears and pleading.

The tall boy's sudden tears gave Hakyeon quite a shock. He didn't know what to do in order to comfort him nor anyone for that matter. But as he looked at Hyuk's face, he remember almost losing control of himself and hurting the innocent child.

Because this Hakyeon was a descendent of the darkness, his rage and frustrations can lead him to doing things he cannot take control over. Almost killing the innocent maknae of the group frightened him to no extent. It wasn't his intentions.

He took his hands away from Hyuk's and backed away.

'If I help you guys in bringing back your Hakyeon, defeating that Taekwoon isn't a simple task. Do you guys even know what kind of person you're dealing with here?' He asked.

The Dark Taekwoon is not just a powerful being, but also merciless and scheming. He doesn't care if he has to kill to obtain the powers and control he craves for. Everything he did was a simple game. A game to prove that he is dominant and the most powerful being in the universe.

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