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The members wandered about Dreamscape in search for their missing member, Hongbin. But even after walking around for a long time, they were unable to find the younger neither were they able to find Hakyeon or Taekwoon. They became more worried as time went by.

But it wasn't just Hongbin that they were worried about.

It was also the Dark Taekwoon.

The other's time was running out.

His body was disappearing more rapidly than they has presumed. Even his clothes could no longer hide the fact that his body was becoming transparent.

They thought that by entering Dreamscape one more time that it would help to slow down the process and stop time from ticking. But it was not the case at all.

'For the time-being, we need to regroup with Hongbin. We've searched the entire mansion already and still no sign of neither Taekwoon-hyung or Hakyeon-hyung. We have to make sure that Kong is all right before anything since this is his first time in Dreamscape,' Wonshik said.

Though they tried to be confident with Hongbin's safety, they still wanted to make sure that the younger was all right. They grew restless at how unpredictable Dreamscape was and needed the reassurance.

After wandering the halls several more times and running into a dead end, the Dark Taekwoon decided it was time to go downstairs. That was the only place they have yet to check.

The basement that kept all the secrets of Dreamscape.

The staircase down the steps were long and endless. The members only heard of such a place from the Dark one but have never seen it for themselves.

'We're here.' The Dark Taekwoon opened the door for the others.

As the members stepped into the room, they were astonished by the amounts of mirrors that filled the rooms.

They came in different forms and sizes, some were big and some were small. The basement of the mansion was a massive room filled with nothing but millions of mirrors; fragments of Dreamscape.

They were in awe as they looked around.

'This is incredible,' Jaehwan gasped.

'This is how you were able to travel from one dream to another?' the Dark Hakyeon asked as this was also the first time he's been in this room.

'Yeah. From this room, I can see everything that goes on inside of others' dreams. Even the Gods. Even though I had the ability to go into other dreams, I didn't find a point in it. Even if I went inside and took over their bodies, those bodies are not who I am,' the Dark Taekwoon said.

'This place is amazing but... isn't this also very dangerous? What if you get trapped inside of someone's dream and can't get back out?' Wonshik asked.

'You're right. It is dangerous.'

'But how did you manage to find this place?' Hyuk asked.

'I once met an old man back inside of Limbo who told stories of Dreamscape. He once wandered into this endless world himself but as the end of his time grew near, he lost that ability. Instead, he told stories of his adventure to the others inside of Limbo. Most did not believe in his tales but I was bored at the time and so, I decided to confirm the stories myself. Eventually, the door to this world opened for me.'

The Dark Taekwoon walked up to the front at a seemingly large mirror compared to all the other fragments. He uncovered the large structure to reveal a large mirror that showed an image of both terror and fear.


Screams and cries could be heard in an instant and as the members watched, they also trembled in fear.

(LeoN/NEO) Dream.scapeWhere stories live. Discover now