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It was early morning, even before the sun began to rise. Everyone in the dorms were still asleep but Hongbin heard something coming from the kitchen.

He didn't want to wake the Dark Hakyeon up as the other slept beside him all night long so he slowly slid his arms away from underneath the other's head.

Hongbin put back on a jacket while looking back to see if the other was still covered up warmly with the blankets.

He looked at the older's face once more and gentle caressed the other's head before he left the room quietly.

The younger heard sounds of pots and pans clanking from the kitchen. Luckily, all the others members were much heavier sleepers so they didn't hear all the noise, especially Wonshik who snored much louder.

As Hongbin peeked into the kitchen to see what it was about, he was quite surprised to see the Dark Taekwoon preparing breakfast. Or at least attempting to.

'You're up early,' Hongbin said.

'Uh, morning.' The Dark Taekwoon was obviously flustered by being caught by Hongbin's sudden appearance.

Hongbin noticed the mess on the kitchen counter and the many failed attempts the other must have made in order to prepare a meal.

He couldn't help but laugh.

'Ya...' the Dark Taekwoon wasn't pleased to be made fun of.

'Sorry,' Hongbin tried to cover up his smile. 'Though I know I won't be much of a help, let me just try to assist you a bit. At least on the cleaning up after yourself part.'

The Dark Taekwoon wanted to refuse at first since he was trying to handle the breakfast duties alone but when he turned around and saw all the mess he's created, he knew he needed an assistance.

'You don't have to prepare a grand feast for the morning you know. Simple meals are just fine. Most of us are used to sleeping in when there are no schedules anyways.' Hongbin told him.

'I know... but I just thought I should try.'

'Why the sudden change?' Hongbin asked. 'Is it because you're feeling guilty and that your time is finally running out? So you have no choice left?'

'That might be.' The other was honest. 'All my life, I have only served for the first Taekwoon. When he threw me away, I thought that revenge was all I wanted. But because of that, I never once truly experienced life as it should be. To be honest, I was jealous when I saw how accepting you guys were towards the Dark Hakyeon.'

'It's strange,' Hongbin suddenly said.

'What is?'

'If it wasn't for him, maybe you and I would never get the chance to be standing next to one another and having this conversation in the first place. He asked me if I hated you and whether or not you could have a second chance as he did.''

'That's because he's still a child. A kind one.'

'And easily influenced too,' Hongbin jokingly glared at the Dark Taekwoon.

The Dark Taekwoon and Hongbin was helping one another to set up the plates and preparing the dishes. It took them awhile and the sun was finally appearing.

'Are you really willing to let go of him?' the Dark Taekwoon asked Hongbin. 'You know what it means to bring back your leader right?'

Hongbin tried not to imagine it. But he had no choice and he knew that it would be better for all if things returned to the way it was before.

'Even if I don't want to let go, we both know that that's how it should be. He's been trapped for so long in a body that isn't his and even his freedom is limited by the Heavens. The both of us haven't talked to one another about this but... I think we both know that there are some things that doesn't need to be said. All it matters is that we're both cherishing the time we have remaining. Just like you.'

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