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Taekwoon was shocked to see Hakyeon burst into tears.

'Wh-what's wrong Hakyeon-ah? Are you feeling sick? Should I call for a doctor?' He began to panic as he saw Hakyeon tremble and cry. Taekwoon didn't know what to do seeing Hakyeon become so weak and fragile suddenly.

Hakyeon suddenly broke down in tears out of nowhere and looked at Taekwoon with an expression of a lost child's.

Lost, alone, and afraid.

Taekwoon didn't know how to react to Hakyeon's tears or know what to say to comfort the boy. He could only pull Hakyeon in for a hug in order to ease Hakyeon's pain.

'Don't cry Hakyeon-ah. What's wrong? Why are you suddenly crying?' Taekwoon asked while rubbing Hakyeon's back.

Even Hakyeon didn't know why he started to cry except he was shocked by Taekwoon's sudden skinship. The same Taekwoon who hated being touchy with everyone especially when it comes to Hakyeon.

'Ah! Sorry! I-' Hakyeon pushed Taekwoon away after realizing how embarrassing he was to suddenly cry like that. He wiped away his tears immediately and tried to calm down. Hakyeon haven't appeared this weak in front of anyone in so long...

He was the leader and the oldest member of VIXX after all.

Taekwoon leaned down to meet his eyes with Hakyeon's. He was worried about his friend.

'Hakyeon-ah, what's wrong? Tell me please. Let me help you. Are you feeling sick? Should we ask one of the younger ones to substitute for your scene instead?' Taekwoon kept asking to make sure Hakyeon was all right.

Hakyeon shook his head.

'I'm fine. Sorry, I just... I don't know what's gotten into me suddenly. Maybe I'm just a bit tired and the cold is having a side effect on me. Don't worry. I can still act.' Hakyeon finished drying his own tears.

'Are you sure? We can ask Hongbin or Hyuk to act instead.' Taekwoon suggested.

'No! I- I want to act. I'll do it. Please, let me continue with the scene.' Hakyeon pleaded.

'But...' Taekwoon looked at Hakyeon who was obviously desperate to act for the PV. 'Okay, but you'll stop the moment you don't feel good okay? You're still sick remember?'

Hakyeon nodded and obeyed.

The two of them finally returned to the set as if nothing happened at all.

'Okay. Let's start this again.' The director said. 'Are you sure you can continue N-ah?'

'Yes I am. Sorry about earlier. I promise to do better this time!' Hakyeon shouted back with every ounce of confidence he could find.

Hakyeon took a deep breath and began to find his character.

He asked himself, who is it that I can love so much to the point that I wish they would only care for me, love me and depend on me?

Hakyeon imagined.

That the person who was sitting across from him wasn't some stranger or female actress but rather, it was his lifelong friend Jung Taekwoon. A kind, gentle, and caring Taekwoon just like earlier. Not the harsh and mean Taekwoon from the past but a caring one.

But what happens if Taekwoon ended up caring for someone else other than Hakyeon? Like how Taekwoon always clings onto the younger members but not him?

Hakyeon felt the irritation.

Is this what possessiveness feels like? Wanting to lock that person away from the world so that no one could lay eyes on him? Making him only look and care for me?

(LeoN/NEO) Dream.scapeWhere stories live. Discover now