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After a few consecutive days at his small studio, Wonshik finally decided to take a break. He's been working on the tracks for his first mixtape for a while now and he's hit the point where even creative mind needed a rest. He wasn't getting anywhere with his composition and his mind felt like it would shut down at any time.

'Why do people need sleep?' Wonshik sighed as he headed out of the studio and passing the lobby.

'Finally decided to go home?' The receptionist saw him.

'Yeah. I'm tired.' Wonshik yawned.

'Haha. By the way, have you talked with Hakyeon yet?' She asked.


'Mhmm. He dropped by earlier to look for you. Did you not see him?'

Wonshik shook his head. He definitely hasn't seen the leader today. He's been so preoccupied with his mixtape in general to have seen any of his members to be honest.

But if Hakyeon specifically came to the company to look for Wonshik, where did the leader go?

The younger took out his phone and finally saw the text message from Hakyeon.

Hakyeon: [Are you in the studio right now? Can we talk?]

Oh shoot! Wonshik suddenly panicked as he realized the message was sent to him hours ago and he didn't even get a chance to look at his phone to reply. He felt really bad so he immediately scroll down to his contact list to call the leader.

Hakyeon picked up immediately.

'Hyung! I just saw your text. Did you come by to look for me earlier?' Wonshik asked.

'Mhmm.' Hakyeon said.

'I'm so sorry! Why didn't you just look for me if you were here?'

'It's okay. You just looked so busy with your mixtape so I didn't want to interrupt.'

'What did you wanted to talk about?'

'Hmm? Oh, it's nothing. Don't worry about it.'


'Are you going home soon?' Hakyeon asked.


'I see. Wonshik-ah, I'm going to be out of Seoul for a few days to film the drama so I won't be able to see you until then. Take care and get lots of sleep okay?'

'Okay but... you sure you don't want to talk?' Wonshik asked again.

'Don't worry. I figured it all out. I'm just glad to see you doing well. Bye.' Hakyeon said and hung up.

Wonshik really felt bad about not being able to be their for his leader when the latter was specifically looking out for him. He was so focused on his mixtape that he neglected his precious members. He should've known better.

As Wonshik returned to the dorms, he saw the other members gathered together around the kitchen. A delicious smell was emitted throughout the dorms.

'Oh, welcome back Wonshik-ah! Want some dinner?' Jaehwan greeted and offered him some food.

'Did you make it?' Wonshik was being skeptical.

'Pfft. Of course not. Taekwoon-hyung made it. It's been awhile since he's made us food so have some!' Jaehwan laughed.

'That's a relief.' Wonshik's stomach was growling. He's been craving for some home meal for awhile now.

'Wonshik-ah, have you seen Hakyeon?' Taekwoon asked as he was preparing a bigger portion for all the hungry members.

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