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'Argh! This is so damn annoying!' Hakyeon shouted out and started to bang his head on the cage to vent his frustrations. He thought he was going to go insane from being trapped for so long. 'Just how many days has it been already?'

Hakyeon could not keep track of the time that could have gone by already as the sky in this world was always dark. He's been tallying up the times he fell asleep and woke up again in order to see how many days could have possibly passed by. He's usually the type to sleep early and wake up early too so he thought maybe those usual habits of his would come to use. At least, until he finds a way to get out of this dreary place.

'There's no use,' Taekwoon said again while he heard Hakyeon making a commotion inside the cage.

Hakyeon glared at him.

'I want out,' Hakyeon said in a stern and demanding tone.

Taekwoon sighed and decided to ignore him for the hundredth time. Hakyeon have been pestering him each time their eyes met. He wanted to leave and go back home immediately.

'The time on the other side haven't changed much in the real world, so stop your counting. It's pointless.' Taekwoon noticed the marks engraved on the flooring of the cage.

The real world... that's right, this is a Dream isn't it?

Hakyeon keeps having to be reminded that he is trapped in a place too far from home and out of reach from reality. He was alone in this struggle and not a single person can help him. Even the person in which he thought could be of any help, decided to play this 'game' of his. Hakyeon was going to wait patiently for the latter but he was starting to lose it. He wants his answers and he wants it immediately.


'You may want to increase the sound of the guitar solo at this part. I think it would have a lot more impact and better impression overall.' The older suggested.

Wonshik glared at the Dark Taekwoon as the two of them sat there along with their producer and working on their new album.

What does he know about making music? Wonshik grumbled.

'Hmm, good idea. Let's try that and give it another listen. Wonshik-ah, have you finished your lyrics for the song yet?' The producer asked.

'Uh, yeah. Just need a bit more refining.' Wonshik wasn't really paying attention to what was going on.

'I can't wait to see what you have.'

'He's always got the best lyrics,' the Dark Taekwoon suddenly complimented the younger in front of the producers.

'Haha, I agree. Even I have to watch out or else Wonshik here is going to steal my job,' the producer joked around with the Dark Taekwoon.

Wonshik didn't expect the sudden praise but it was most likely due to the fact that they were in front of so many people. He was irritated by the fact that he couldn't say 'no' to their CEO with arranging the Dark Taekwoon to work with him on this album. If it was their main vocalist, Wonshik would have gladly cooperated since they were once a subunit but this Taekwoon is a fake. Why is this fake Taekwoon putting on such a façade in this world where he's completely powerless to control anything?

'I'll see you guys tomorrow around the same time okay? Go home and get some rest,' their producer said as their session has finally ended for the day.

Both Wonshik and Taekwoon waved goodbye to their production team. Immediately after they have left, Wonshik packed up his belongings and about to leave as well. He did not want to be in the same room and alone with the Dark Taekwoon.

(LeoN/NEO) Dream.scapeWhere stories live. Discover now