Bonus Story - 'Shangri-La'

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The members were getting ready for a new comeback, a new song and a new choreography.

The concept was initiated by Hongbin who spent most of his time playing Overwatch during his day offs and trying to move on from his broken heart.

"Are you okay, Kong-ah?" Jaehwan asked the younger while Hongbin finally took a break from the game.

"About what?" Hongbin asked back.

"You know... about the other Hakyeon-hyung..."

"I'm fine," Hongbin wanted to say confidently. "Maybe..."


"You know hyung, even now, even thought it's been almost a year since he left... I still dream about him. I keep thinking about him and can't even stop thinking about him. Whenever I see our Hakyeon-hyung, I can't help but think about the other Hakyeon-hyung instead."

"Is that why you've been avoiding Hakyeon-hyung?" Jaehwan asked.

"It's a part of the reason. Everything from his appearance and his voice is exactly the same. They're literally the same person yet they aren't... I can't help but think about him," Hongbin revealed his feelings truthfully as Jaehwan sat next to him.

"You know he's gone to a good place though right? After all that we've done together, he's moved onto a better place.'

"I know. That's why we even named our concert last year as 'Elyisum' right? As a memory of them and hoping that he and the Dark Taekwoon can move on to paradise."

"Mhmm," Jaehwan nodded. "I don't want to tell you to forget about him because I know that he's become a very precious part of your memories but please, please go back to that happy Kong that I once remember okay? You're always hiding in your room or going out with other people just so that you won't have to see our Hakyeon-hyung. You've been looking into webdrama offers too just to get away. Others are thinking you're finally trying something new but we know you're just trying to escape. I know it and so does Hakyeon-hyung," Jaehwan told the younger.

"Hyung does?"

"Yeah. It's very obvious too. He's known you the longest out of all of us and he knows how you can be when you decide to shut yourself in. He didn't want to nag you either since he knows how his presence alone can affect you. The two of you have been really awkward with each other and everyone can tell. It's just that we didn't want to mention anything... but I feel like we can't ignore it anymore. Why don't you face Hakyeon-hyung and talk it out together?" the older advised.

"... I'l try," Hongbin said in hesitation.

It was easier said than done. It's not that Hongbin never tried to talk to Hakyeon again or have their relationship go back to the way it used to be but he couldn't help but feel awkward every time he had to face the older member. It wasn't just because the leader and the Dark Hakyeon looked exactly alike but the older was also his first love. He confessed, he knew he would be rejected but still, what was done is done.

He let out a sigh as he stood blankly in front of the dance studio back in their company.

Hongbin peeked throught the glassed doors to see Hakyeon practicing some dance routines. Ever since the older returned from Dreamscape, he's been practicing day and night without rest for the past year. Even though he was only trapped inside of the other world for a short duration, Hakyeon felt like he was trapped there for way too long and had to do everything he could to practice his dances again. As usual, the way Hakyeon moves while he dances was mesmerizing. Hongbin stood there frozen and enchanted by the older's body movements from one side of the floor to the other.

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