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After settling down again, the six boys gathered around together as the Dark Taekwoon decided to finally reveal his state. He took off his jacket and shirt to show them what was remaining of his body and his time.

Both his arms have gone transparent up to his shoulders and even parts of his waist trailing down to his knees were gone. This explained why he was reluctant to wear any shirts that might have shown his body during their promotions.

The members swallowed in horror to witness what was actually happening to the Dark Taekwoon.

'Is... there really nothing we can do?' Wonshik asked.

The Dark Taekwoon had already revealed his story and why he was disappearing to the others. Finally, he grew to trust and rely on the younger members of VIXX to tell them everything that needs to be told.

He shook his head.

'The fact that my body have lasted this long is a miracle in itself. Ever since the first Taekwoon died, I should have disappeared along with him. I was a part of him and he was the one who created me. He was the reason why I exist in the first place.'

'But what about our Taekwoon-hyung? He's still alive right? So you shouldn't disappear right?' Hyuk asked.

'Unfortunately that is not how my body works. I am creation of the shadows from the first Taekwoon and not yours. With him gone, my time was going to run out eventually. But there is one thing we have to worry about with my time running out. As you now know, this body is actually Jung Taekwoon's. If I were to disappear, it means that your Taekwoon will have no body to return to and he will really be trapped inside of Dreamscape forever.' He warned.

'No way! We can't let that happen!' Hyuk gasped.

'Is there no way to bring Taekwoon-hyung back then?' Hongbin asked.

'He is the key to opening his own heart and accepting reality again. If he is unable to forgive or have the desire to return, his soul will forever remain inside of Hakyeon's dreamscape. That is the place in which he can be with your leader after all.' The Dark Taekwoon told them.

'But Hakyeon-hyung wants to come back! He's trying so hard to figure out a way to do so... and to think that Taekwoon-hyung is the key for both of them to be released from the dream...' Jaehwan said.

'Even if Cha Hakyeon wishes to return, if Taekwoon cannot open his heart to accepting the truth, neither will be able to come back.'

'How can we get Taekwoon-hyung to accept and come back to us though?' Wonshik looked quite dejected as well as the others for feeling powerless.

It's my fault that they've lost their precious vocalist... the Dark Hakyeon started to think to himself.

'It's not your fault,' Hongbin glanced at the other at that instant to know exactly what the Dark Hakyeon was thinking about. 'If it's anyone's fault, then we're all equally as responsible as you for this to happen in the first place.'

'Hongbin is right,' Jaehwan gave a comforting pat to the Dark Hakyeon. 'Each and every single one of us here was at fault for not being able to see what was happening and even though we saw it, we were too cowardly to find a solution for it. We made the wrong decisions and neglected those around us because we have been taking what was given to us for granted. Both Hakyeon-hyung and Taekwoon-hyung loves us as much as their own family yet none of us spoke out for them when we saw that a problem came up between them. We thought that things would return to normal as long as we gave it time but we were wrong. If we had just stepped in sooner and cleared out all our misunderstandings, none of this would have happened.'

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