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(WARNING: Minor swearing. So minor you probably won't even notice it... )

Days have passed and there was still no sign of the return of the original Cha Hakyeon.

The members would visit their leader everyday as much as they could, even if they were pushed away. It pained them so much to see their leader having such a hard time and being treated like a patient with mental disabilities.

It pained them to the see their oldest being locked away, cuffed throughout the nights, and strapped down by the doctors and nurses in the small-secluded room.

Everyone thought that this child-like Hakyeon would be easy to deal with. He was delightful, innocent, and playful all at once that they really thought this new persona of Hakyeon's was simply a child.

But their presumptions were wrong.

This Hakyeon was witty and smart. He was mischievous and devious. He calculated his every move ahead of everyone else and almost escaped the hospital several times in the past few days.

He would pretend as if the original Cha Hakyeon had returned to his own body and gave false hopes to those that cared for Hakyeon. But there was one thing the new persona could not hide, and could not lie about.

His hatred for the younger members of VIXX.

The intense glares, murderous intents and chilling atmosphere this Hakyeon gave to the members, brought the members worry and sorrows. It was as if looking at the original Cha Hakyeon and despising them. Even though they were different personalities, they still shared the same body and faces.

The members were heartbroken and was only left to sit back and watch. They were feeling helpless as days went by to watch their leader disappear every minute.

'What if Hakyeon-hyung really never comes back? What... do we do?' Hyuk cries.

All their activities as VIXX in a group were postponed. There was obviously no way for them to continue with any of their schedules when their leader was missing and completely away from the real world. Their agency lied to the public that the members were busy with preparing for a long awaited comeback but it was an obvious lie because none of the members were motivated to do anything as an idol except hope for their leader's return.

Wonshik eventually released his first mixtape to the public and the fans were hyped about it for awhile. They didn't question as to why VIXX wasn't returning with a new song after their Japanese release but Wonshik's mixtape was able to draw the attention towards him as a solo artist rather than being a part of VIXX.

But after his release, Wonshik decided to put everything regarding music aside. He was still passionate about his compositions and as an artist but his mind was just in such chaos that he could no longer focus on anything except his leader's health. He was most likely the last person to have talked to the original Cha Hakyeon amongst the members and he blamed himself as to why he did not pay enough attention to his leader when the older came to find him the first time.

If only he just cared a bit more about his precious members, this would not have happened is what he keeps blaming himself for.

Exactly where did the members go wrong? When did Hakyeon disappear and how? Why?


Taekwoon worried a lot about Hakyeon during this time.

He never would have thought that his lifelong friend, who loved and received so much love would end up in such a place time after time. The hospital settings and scent became almost too familiar for Taekwoon. So familiar yet still, frightening.

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