Aku Cinta Kamu

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Kayla scooted away and sniffed the air. "You need a shower. Go or no date." Kayla crossed her arms so Niall would know she was serious. Niall's eyes widened and he ran out to the shower nearly running Louis over. "What was that about?" Louis asked Kayla staring her. "I told him to go get a shower or no date." "Date?" "Yeah, he asked me out and I said yes."

Then Kayla's phone started ringing. It was her other friend that had a concert of her own. Black Velvet Brooms or something like that, some emo band. "Hey, how was your emo band?" "They are not emo and AMAZING! Blood On The Dance Floor is touring with them and they played my ringtone, Dark Dreams, Candy Land, Sexting, and a few others!" Kayla's friend named Mallory fangirled. Only close friends and family can call her Mal.

"Calm down Mal." "BUT I HAVE FANGIRL WORTHY NEWS!!" Mallory yelled through the phone. "What is it?" Kayla heard Mallory take in a breath before yelling, "I GOT TO MEET JAYY, DAHVIE, AND BLACK VEIL BRIDES!" Kayla jumped away from the phone and threw it away from her. She heard a beep that signaled it hung up.

"Kayla are you still there?" Niall asked. "Yeah, just a little deaf." "Oh. Why?" "Mallory was fangirling over her emo bands." Niall looked at her before reaching for something in his pocket, "I've had this for a while but I didn't know who to give it to until now." Niall pulled out a locket shaped necklace shaped like a heart. He opened it to show a few lines from The Mortal Instruments. The only reason Kayla knew tat was Mal is in love with Cassandra Clare.

She recognized it as one of Mal's favorite Malec moments. "You like it?" Niall asked shyly. Kayla looked up at him and leaped at him. "I love it." She whispered in his ear. Niall then turned her around and put the necklace on her.


The song over to the side is Kayla's ringtone for me, If it doesn't play it should be Yo! Ho! by Blood On The Dance Floor.

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