The Date

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Kayla's POV

Niall led me from the other girls to the smell of food. It smelt really good. He led me to the breakfast bar and sat me down before turning to the microwave. He then pulled out two plates of chicken, potatoes, and carrots. The lights somehow dimmed and I saw candles appearing in corners.

Something that sounds like Always And Forever by one of the bands Mal likes. Niall got up, walked to the middle of the floor and held a hand out to me. "May I have this dance?" He asked. I took his hand and followed him onto the "dance floor." He placed his hand on my waist and set my other hand on his shoulder. Then he started moving back and forth.

Niall's POV

I heard Mal put on the CD she made for Kayla and I's date. The first one that came one is one by one of the bands she went to see. She actually has pretty good taste....don't tell Kayla that. I held my hand out for her and asked for this dance. She jumped up and Jawsed my hand before saying yes.

I got us in position as the song changed. It changed to I think it is Always Attract. Kayla leaned into me as the guy sang more and more. I felt the overwhelming urge to lift her chin up and kiss her.

Kayla's POV

The song changed to one MalMal plays all the time when she's updating her stories. I leaned in closer to Niall as the dude sang more and more. I keep on feeling this urge to look up and kiss him.

I felt fingers under my chin lifting it up. I saw blue eyes staring at me leaning closer and closer. Soon his lips landed on mine and as Mal will later put it, we ate each others faces.

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