Bad dreams and good things

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Kayla's POV

It was the middle of the night, and I couldn't sleep. Niall was asleep next to me in his room, we basically kept moving back and forth from his room to my room. I got up and walked downstairs to clear my mind. I grabbed a granola bar and trudged back up the stairs. "Mal?" I whisper, quietly knocking on the door. "What KK?" Mal answers me. "Can we talk?" I ask her. "Well, I'm up now and it's like 1:02 am, so sure." Mal says with a hint of annoyance in her voice. I walk into Mal's room and we sit in the beanbag chairs. "What do you want to talk about?" Mal asks me. "I want to talk about erm... how we're getting to the monthly appointments and how I won't get questioned by the boys for eating weirder things than normal. Also, I need help with names for boys and girls... There's two of them." I answer. "Ok, well... let's get some sleep first. Here." Mal says chucking a pillow at my head and giving me a blanket. I passed out like that and stayed there for a few hours sleeping.


Niall's POV

I woke up and Kayla wasn't there. I started panicking and looked in her room. Nope, not there. I pass Mallory's room and see the door wide open. Kayla's on the floor passed out and holding her stomach area almost as if protecting it. I guess I should go get her medicine and start breakfast. I need Louis and Zayn's help on how I should propose to Kayla. I walk back to Kayla's bathroom and find her medicine for her arm and her vitamins that I know she needs. I grab the vitamins and put them on the counter. I look closer at her arm medicine and start freaking out. That IS NOT arm medicine. I read the instructions anyways and put the pill with the other two. Why wouldn't she have told me this? She must have just found out yesterday. I'm not sure how I should feel about this exactly. Happy, Scared, Upset. I had no clue. I was happy at the thought of it, but I was also terrified, what if something went wrong? I found Harry awake and cooking breakfast. "Hey, Harry." I say. "Hey, Nialler." Harry responds. I grab a plate and put food on it, and grab a cup then pour milk in it. I walk upstairs into Mal's room and wake Kayla up. "Kayla, babe... wake up. I have food." I say while slightly shaking her. "Wha?" She says as he wakes up. "I have food for you, love." I say giving her the plate of food. I put the vitamins on part of the plate and she doesn't notice thankfully. Kayla starts eating and once she's done she finds the vitamins. Mal is already awake and is just staring at Kayla eating. "How did you find these?" Kayla asks me gesturing towards the medicine. "They were in your bathroom." I tell her, leaving it at that. "Wait, if you found the er-arm medicine, did you read the bottle?" Mal asks me. "Yeah, why wouldn't I have read the bottle? I needed to know how many pills I needed to get out and give to Kayla." I say. Mal and Kayla share a wordless glance that simply has 'OH SHIT.' written all over it. "How much did you read on the bottle?" Mallory asks me. "The entire thing." I answer. "Ok, I give up!" Kayla says exasperated. "Mal, do you want to tell him?" Kayla asks Mal. "Nah, you do the honors." Mal tells Kayla. "Ok, I'msortakindapregnantwithtwinsandyourthefather?" She rushes. I already knew What she was going to say. "Kayla, a little slower and in English please." Mal asks Kayla. "Ok, I'm sorta kinda pregnant with twins and your the father?" Kayla manages to get out. The twin thing was new, but other than that I had known what she was going to say. "Are you mad? Do you hate me?" She whispers. "No, I'm not mad, and I could never hate you. Kayla, I love you and nothing can change that. We're just having two new additions to the family." I tell her. Now's a good time as ever right? "I'll be right back." I say running into my room and grabbing the little box. I run back into Mal's room and get down on one knee. "Kayla Brianna Smith, I have loved you ever since I met you, I promise that I will always be there for you and I will love you until eternity, Will you marry me?" I ask her. "YES! YES! YES!" Kayla screams jumping up and down. I slip the ring on her finger and we kiss passionately. I look over at Mal after breaking our kiss and see that she has had a camera the WHOLE TIME! Not just from five seconds ago, but from when I gave Kayla her plate of food. "Kayla, before you go into your room or mine, look at what Mallory is holding."  I say pointing at mal who had been caught red handed. 


Dedicated to Bvbrules4eva for being our first fan and for all the super nice comments! -Mal and Kayla

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