Baby Shopping Friends

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Mal's POV

Niall handed us the credit card to use and we sneak out, avoiding the other boys. We got into my car and Sugar Rush started blasting as soon as I turned the car on. Before either of them said anything, I stated, "Driver chooses the music, shotgun and passengers shut their pie holes." Kayla just slumped back and stayed like that until we got to the mall.

We got to the mall and we tried to figure out where to go "We should go to hot topic." I jokingly suggested  "But you just went to hot topic like last week" Sam countered me. I gasped, putting a hand over my heart. "Hot topic is my life! How can you say that!?" I started fake sobbing and people walking by looked at us weirdly when Sam and Kayla hugged me. "Ok, ok sorry Mal." Sam apologized. "How about we go to JCPenny" ,Boo suggested, " yea we can get you some new clothes."

We entered JCPenny and I spotted some one I hadn't seen since we where both around 15. I snuck up behind her and put my hands in front of her eyes and whispered in her ear, "Hey Ri. Remember me?" She cautiously turned her head around until she saw me. she then launched herself at me knocking me off kilter and almost falling. "Mal! Your here!" I laughed a little before answering her.

Sam and Boo walked over and looked between me and Ri before, asking who she is. "This is my best friend that I haven't seen in four years. Her name is Riot." Sam moved forward in a walk/skip movement and held her hand out for Ri to shake. Ri shoke Sam's hand and held hers out to Kayla to shake.

Kayla shoke it and ran to behind Sam. Then Sam and Kayla dragged us to the baby section and Riot looked between the three of us and whispered to me, "Why are we here?" I gave her a 'Think Riot. Think hard' She took a while but finally came to realize and asked me, "Is one of you pregnant?" She then looked down at my belly. I laughed telling her that Kayla was and she leaped over to Kayla and helped her.


We got home and Kayla had us take the stuff up to our room. I flopped down on my bed and just as I was about to fall asleep, Riot fucking jumped on me. I jolted awake and gave a death look and threatened, "You are a dead child."  I pounced off the bed after her down the stairs and around the house. When I was about to catch up, Liam walked through the door into the battlefield.

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