Finding the boys and akwo tacos

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Kayla's POV

Mal shoved her bags at Sam and I, so along with my bags I had like 14 bags full of random crap. "HAZZA! WHERE ARE THEY?!?" I whined. "I DON'T KNOW BOOBEAR!" Sam whines back in a high pitched mocking tone. I pass a jewellery store and stare at the inside. "HOLY MOTHER OF FU-DGE!" I scream pointing at the store. Mal and Sam turn around and I start having a fangirl attack. "Sam! Sam! Look!" I yell pointing at Louis. Apparently Liam saw me pointing like a retarded monkey and told Niall to get us. "I-But-and-Louis-jewellery-store-and-I-HDGJSPHMGLPHUEPMARF!" I stutter. "KAYLA! DEEP BREATHS!" Sam yells at me. I calm down and finally get my words out. "Louis was in jewellery store, and- I - ELOUNOR!" I say quite loudly. "SO IT IS REAL!" Mal says in amazement. "OF COURSE ITS REAL YOU DUMBO!" Sam yells at Mal smacking her upside the head. The boys finally come out of the store. Out of the five of them they were holding all one or two bags. Then there's Mal, Sam, and I... ten bags per arm basically. "Niall?" I ask in a very annoying voice. "Yeah?" He answers not knowing what's coming next... HEHEHE... "Can you carry a couple bags of mine?" I ask with a pouty face. "Fine." He huffs grabbing like five of my bags. I made sure which bags he had and which ones I had... I had some er... girlie things in the bags I kept. We all walked out of the mall, some people were whispering and pointing, at what I had no clue... until I found Paul. "PAULLY!"I screeched jumping on his back. "Will you carry me please?" I asked him. "I guess I have no choice." He grumbles. We all walk to the car and Paul went to his own as I call it 'body guardmobile'. I sat in the middle of Mal and Sam on the way home.


(Still Kayla's POV)

We got home and I was the first out of the car. That is, if you count climbing over several people to jump out of a claustrophobic vehicle, then yes I was out first. I run into the house and to the bathroom. I really really really had to pee. TMI? I get to the bathroom, and look around for toilet paper. None. I'm screwed. "MAL!!!!SAM?!?" I yelled from my spot on the toilet seat. "What?" Mal yells back. "I'll text you the answer!" I say. I pull out my phone and text; To: Mallory/DJ Malik

' I'm kinda stuck in the bathroom downstairs without toilet paper? '

Minutes later I hear a knock on the door. "KK, it's just me-Mal." I open the door. and Mal walks in with the toilet paper. I put the toilet paper on the dispenser thingy, and ya know did what I had to do. Mal walked away, but she said she had to talk to me later.

Once I was done in the bathroom, I ran upstairs to Mal's bedroom. Mal and Sam were already up there. I sat down on the bed, all hyper like. "SOOOOOOO..... VAS HAPPENIN'?"I said using Zayn's line. "KAYLA! I told you, no using my line!" I hear from the other side of the door. "QUIT EAVESDROPPING!" Sam, Mal, and I scream in sync at the boys behind the door. I heard them all go downstairs and I satisfyingly smirked. "So, whatcha wanna talk about?" I ask Mal. "What I wanna talk about is you and Niall missy." She says in a motherly tone. "Oh, look at the time... I gotta go... Erm... NIALL! LIAM! HARRY! SOMEONE! HELP ME! MAL'S GONNA GIVE ME 'THE' TALK!" I scream. "Can't help ya there love!" Louis says laughing. Note to self: 'Louis William 'Tommo' Tomlinson, Sass master from Doncaster, Boobear #2, is a dead man-child!' "Kayla, sit." Mal says shoving me into a beanbag chair. "Now, you have heard this talk before, from your mum, and most likely Sam's, and probably from our teachers oddly enough." Mal starts. "I have a question." Sam says raising her hand. "Yes, Sam?" Mal says like a teacher. "Was it good?" Sam says without busting out laughing. "Erm, why do you want to know that? Wait, never mind I know why you would want to know, and FYI it was- how do I say this without sounding like a perverted prostitute?- Let's just say it was a lot of fun, and keep it at that." I say answering Sam's question. "Did ya use protection?" Mal asks raising her eyebrows. "Umm... erm... I don't know... I think so... AKWARD SILENCE!" I scream. "A gay baby was born." Sam whispers. "Wait... that means... Gavin was born in an awkward silence." Mal butts in. "Yeah... it does... Ima gonna call my big/little man child brother." I say pulling out my phone and clicking the contact. "Hey GURL!" I hear Gavin say on the other end. "Hey, sup Brah?" I ask being weird. "Liam Payne." He replies. "DUDE SHUT IT! HE MAY HEAR YOU!" I yell at the phone. "Oh, Kayla quit being delusional. WAIT! WHAT?!?" Gavin yells at me through the phone. "Hold on, for just one moment." I say handing the phone to Mal. "LIAM!!!!!! COME HERE! I NEED YOUR HELP!" I scream at the top of my lungs. "COMING!" I hear from downstairs. "HURRY LIAM! I THINK MAH WATER BROKE!" I screech acting like the awkward child I am. I had broken a type of water... my water bottle. I just wanted to freak Liam out. "WHEN'D YOU BECOME PREGNANT?!?" He yelled running up he stairs. "HMM, ABOUT NINE MONTHS AGO!" I yell, trying not to die of laughter. "Wait, you would have told me though." Gavin says from the other end. "Gavin, play along, I'm not pregnant, but I did break my water bottle." I whisper into the phone. Liam bursts into my room and I hand him the phone. He gives me the funniest 'WTF?' face ever. I burst out laughing. "Hello?" Liam says into the phone. "Who is this?" Gavin asks. "Liam Payne." Liam answers slowly. "Kayla! Quit the accent and get back to talking to me!" Gavin sasses at me. "Gavin erm, that's not me." I yell from my spot on the beanbag. "Ahhh!" Is all I hear then silence. "Liam! You killed him!" I screech pointing at the phone. I walk up to Liam, grab my phone, then hung up. With my luck, Gavin probably fainted. "Ok, bye Li-Li." I say waving him away. "Well, that was... entertaining." Mal says from her spot on the bed. "Ima go to sleep now." Mal says plopping backwards and falling asleep just like that. Sam does the same in Mal's spare bed. I just walk back to my room and plop onto my bed and go to sleep.

BTW... it's Kayla.... you've been hijacked by me AGAIN... I make the story weirder and we'll leave it at that.... bye DINODRAGONS!

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