Secretly Lesbians?

36 1 6

Mal's POV

I walked up the stairs to Kayla, Sam, and I's room and walked in. I turned on my speakers before walking into the closet. I picked out black jeans, a tank top, and a beanie. I pulled my hair up into a ponytail then into a bun. I then tweeted out  'I'm doing a Q n A. send me questions with #AskMal' before getting dressed.

I got dressed and put in my lip ring and ear plugs things. I went back down to get a Dr Pepper so I wouldn't die of thirst and headed back up. I turned on the camera as Sam walked in to get dressed. "Hey guys! So I tweeted out that I'm doing a Q n A, How bout we see what you guys wanted to know.

I swiped my thumb across my phone's screen to unlock it. I saw that #AskMal was in trending and, I tapped on that to see what my gang has been asking me. "Zaniel_for_life asked me, 'Will there be more Zallory, Zaniel, Dallory, or Zaniellory videos?'" I looked slightly up and answered and glanced back down.

I answered a few more before Sam asked, "Why were you so bitchy this morning?" I dragged her into the video and laid my head on her shoulder. "You really want them to know. I have little kids watching." I smirked up. "Then just put up a warning thing. I'm sure the shippers want to know." She winked.

I flicked her forehead before turning back to my camera and telling them, "Nayla is real and they are loud when they do the do." I shivered thinking of last night. "Ok bye gang. Hope you members wreck some havoc while I'm gone. Please remember to subscribe and like if you liked me and to bring a friend next time." Sam and I waved while I reached to turn off the camera.

"God they were loud. How can a person even be that loud!?" I exclaimed flopping back on my bed. "Ask them. And the boys where talking about going around and "shopping" today." Sam told me. I rolled over, knocking my beanie off and asked Sam "Didn't we just spend all of yesterday doing that?" "Yes we did, but they want to go out again."

"I would  just be texting Jeffree and others all day." Sam nodded and  took my phone from me. She was tapping around and  got a smirky smile on her face when she handed it back to me.

"What'd you do?" I asked checking my phone. "Just wait." Soon I got a whole flood of texts from BVB, BOTDF, and Jeffree. I checked what I had "texted" them and slowly looked up death glaring at her. "WHY YOU DO THAT!?" I yelled at her making the boys and Kayla come running up.

"What happened!?  Who died!? Who? What!" Liam started half yelling at us. "Sam took my phone and texted BVB, BOTDF, and Jeffree Star and made them mad at me!" Liam strode over to Sam and dragged her up and sat her on the office chair.

"Do you think you should be praised Samantha Krouse?" Liam knelt down in front of her. Sam stayed quiet before exclaiming, "OF COARSE! I AM THE TRICK MASTER!" I lunged for her but Harry and Louis grabbed my arms. "Now's not the time. Wait till we're out." One of them whispered to me.

Liam grabbed her shoulders and shoved her back down. "No you shouldn't. Now apologize to both Mal and the people you texted. I will read them before you send them." Liam scolded her. Sam hung her head and turned around to me, looking surprised when she saw that I was being held back.

"I'm sorry Mal. Will you forgive me?" Sam looked up at me through her bangs. "If I have to." She then flung her self at me and hugged me. She then took my phone and sat up on my lap and started texting those she made mad back. Liam was watching her the whole time and was making noises every once in a while.

She finally finished and handed me my phone back and then curled up on my lap. I started  petting her hair while I read through what she sent back. "Are you two secretly lez?" I heard someone ask. I looked up to see Harry looking at the two of us with worry.

"No Harry. Sam, Kayla, and I just have a strong sismance." He sighed as he sat down across from me and joined in petting her hair. I felt Sam purr and started laughing. "Did she purr?" Kayla asked from beside Niall.

All I could do was nod because I was laughing so  much. Sam woke up and shot out of my lap yelling, "LET'S GO BITCHES!" She ran out of my room and tripped down the stairs  landing with her legs over her head.

Everyone ran down and Kayla grabbed her and Sam shoes. I pulled on my black high tops and followed them down stepping over Sam so I didn't fall. I pulled out my phone and opened up Temple Run 2.

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