Mess ups & Bad luck end up in moving

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Kayla's POV

As I waited a few fans came up. Shit, shit, shit. I thought I was disguised well enough! I stole Niall's favorite hoodie, and I wore leggings, my hair was up in a messy bun, and I had converse on. Oh yeah that's my normal look. Screw it. "Oh my gosh! Your NIALLS GIRLFRIEND!" One of the girls screamed. Fudge fudge fudgitty fudge. "Yes?" I said trying not to run for my damn life. "Back off from niall you slut." Girl #2 hissed. Lucky for me, I could be a bitch when needed, but then I saw my exit. It's simple: Say that the boys were here, but that they were in Starbucks. Then run to baggage claim and wait. "You do know, that the lads are here right?" I smirked. "OH MY GOD!" Girl #2 screamed. "Yeah, they're in Starbucks, but it's the one at the other entrance." I said, quietly hoping that this would work. They both ran over there and I made my way to the actual Starbucks. I decided to try a pumpkin spice latte. "Kayla Horan." The barista said. I walked up, and got my coffee. She looked at me like she knew me from somewhere. That never ends well. "I think I know you. Wait! You're that girl dating Niall, right?" She asked. "Uhm, yeah." I mumbled walking away. Finally I saw MAL and Ri at baggage claim.

Mallory's POV
"We are now nearing the London airport. Please fasten your seatbelts." "Okayokay, no need to yell." I said, sighing leaning back out of Aqua's side. Ri was busy texting who I guess is Andy. She had to choose between Andy and Johnnie at Warped. And when she chose Andy, Johnnie disappeared for a few hours. And I also became the best of friends with Keir from Fearless Vampire Killers. He's been texting me this whole flight. "We are now landing in the London Airport. Welcome to London."

We got off the plane and got herded to the baggage claim. Aqua went off to get us drinks and when we finally found all.but Ri's carry on, Kayla came bounding over to us and jumped on my back, making me drop the bags I was holding. "MALMAL! RI!" She screamed. She looked around, "Where's anime boy?" "Right here." He said holding our drinks. I took my French vanilla hot chocolate and left the two of them with their coffee.

Kayla's POV
"Mal... I hate haters." I said simply. That so called fan should have kept her mouth shut. If she had been a real fan she wouldn't have said anything. I can't get my mind off it, sure it was normal, but when it's straight up to your face, that makes you feel like shit. Mal, Ri, Aqua, and I started walking to the car.

Mal's POV
I wrapped an arm around Kayla in a kinda half hug. I kept on seeing someone I never wanted to see again at Warped Tour. He must've started a band and made a big enough fan base for warped to let him play. Who is this person you may ask? Let's just say, we didn't end well.

Kayla's POV
I was looking for whoever Mal was looking over at and I was so confused. "Who are you glaring at?" I asked Mal. I sorta shrugged it off.
K: I looked up and saw Max. Ohhhh that's who Mal was looking at! Oh crap, he's walking toward us... Look away. Look away! Not five seconds later I bump into the last person I'd ever expect to meet in my life again. I look up, and yep there he is. "Kayla?" He splutters after a few seconds. "What?" I snap, a little harshly.

Mal's POV
Oh great. Josh and Max in the same day. What else could happen? "Would you take me back Kayla?" Well that was unexpected. The four of us looked at him in surprise. "Well, I was just gunna ask you if we could be friends again, so at least I'm not as abrupt as Hollister model over there." Max said. I snickered and he smiled.

Kayla's POV
"I-I didn't expect to see you here." I say shocked and a little hurt. I had a boyfriend- soon to be husband- that I had twins with for gods sake! "Oh shit. PAPS!" I yelled running for it. Josh looked confused, and I just told him run. Thankfully he understood and started running. "So, why are we running?" He asked me.

Mal's POV
As soon as I heard Kayla yell Paps, I grabbed Max's hand and yelled run to him. He kept up with me, I guess from all the concerts he's done. We ran to the car and all piled in and sped off down the road. "So what was that?" Damn it Coslet, I thought a few years without Kayla would've smartened you up.

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