Dirty Songs

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                                                                           ~ Nighttime ~

Kayla's POV

We spent the whole day out, and only got mobbed twice! I think that's a new record.....I'll ask Niall later. We got home a hour ago and Mal went straight to our room and closed the door. She's not letting anyone in and she's blasting her music. I swear she's playing dirty ones on purpose. The last few have been dirty ones and I think it can't get any dirtier. Boy I need to stop jinxing myself, HOW DOES SHE FIND THESE!?

I swear, she looks up song like those for moments like these. I sent Sam up but she came down smiling and the next song was a song Sam liked. Niall then sent Harry up but he came down looking scared. The next song was the one that was playing before this one. I stood up and walked up the stairs to Mal and i's room.

Mal's POV

I closed and locked the door  and sat down at my Mac going onto my ITunes and found my playlist that I made for times like this. I put it on shuffle and saw that it was mainly Jeffree and BOTDF. I heard a knock and unlocked the door and opened it a little bit. It was Sam, I let her in and she sat on the bed looking at the playlist. "You'll just make them think badly of those two." She said staring at my computer. "You need a popular artist's dirty song on there."

Then she left. I closed the door not locking it. A few more song played before I heard another knock. This time it was Harry and  he looked scared as a bunny outside a lion's den. I let him in and practically shoved him onto the bed. "Mallory, could you possibly stop playing these songs and come down with us?" I looked at him then reached behind me and turned it up louder. He shot up and ran out. I got up and closed the door.

I decided to get in my pjs and as I took off my pants there was another knock. I opened the door slightly and saw that it was Kayla. She barged in and flopped herself down on the bed and stared at me and asked, "Could you pwetty pwease turn off, or at least down the music Malmal? Pwease?" I walked over to my Mac and turned the volume down then turned back around to her. "Happy?" I asked. "Very." She said walking out closing the door.I then finished getting my pjs on and went to sleep.

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